Episode list


Friday the 13th

Sun, May 08, 2022
A normal day in the life of Texas housewife Candy Montgomery is interrupted by a beguiling incident. Meanwhile, Allan Gore, away on business, tries to contact his eerily absent wife Betty.
7.5 /10
Happy Wife, Happy Life
Two years before the incident, Candy and Betty are shocked when their beloved pastor Jackie announces her divorce. Candy considers her own love life, while Betty takes on a troubled foster child.
7.1 /10

Tue, May 10, 2022
Candy and Allan's affair begins. Betty is pregnant and finds a surprising source of support in Candy. Betty and Allan become closer while attending Marriage Encounter.
7.2 /10
Cover Girl

Wed, May 11, 2022
The day after the incident, Candy takes part in the ongoing investigation into the murder of Betty Gore. As more evidence comes to light, Candy hires ambulance-chaser attorney Don Crowder.
7.3 /10
The Fight

Thu, May 12, 2022
The "Trial of the Century" begins in Collin County Courthouse. Aided by Don's bombastic style, Candy fights to tell her story. The jury of her peers deliberates on Candy's fate.
7.4 /10

Edit Focus

Operation Carwash: A Worldwide Corruption Scandal Made in Brazil

Operation Carwash: A Worldwide Corruption Scandal Made in Brazil

Based on the true story of Operation Carwash, the largest and most successful corruption investigation ever seen in the world, "No One is Above the Law" tells, through the eyes of Detective Investigator Ivan, the story of how he and his team at the Brazilian Federal Police, working with the Brazilian Federal Attorneys were able to reveal and dismantle an intricate scheme of money laundering, graft, theft, corruption and bribery involving executives at Petrobrás, (the Brazilian National Oil Company), government contractors, political parties, and politicians at all levels of government - including both houses of congress, cabinet secretaries, and the current and former presidents of Brazil. Exciting and action packed, the movie reveals unbelievable details of the conflicts and dangers faced by the investigators, the roadblocks thrown to thwart the operation, and the crucial role of the Federal Judge who withstood the greatest of pressures to keep the politicians from destroying their case and coming away scott free. We follow Ivan and his team through the step-by-step investigative process that transformed what started as an investigation on drug dealers and money launderers into a movement to combat the backbone of corruption in the country, leading straight to the doorstep of the most powerful politician in the country - the ex-President Luís Inácio "Lula" da Silva. This is the story of men and women fighting against a corrupt system and trying to prove that indeed, no one is above the law.

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