Monkey Business

Mon, Jan 01, 2018
Spiders, monkeys and more harass the party as they make their way through the jungle towards New Forlonde.
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Jumping Ship

Mon, Jan 22, 2018
Getting an odd job at the docks leads to a troubling investigation for the party.
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Bad Romance

Thu, Feb 08, 2018
A relaxing night at the tavern gets awkward as Leila and Selwyn find themselves meeting various flirty patrons.
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Party Plans

Mon, Feb 12, 2018
The party starts to escort the settlers back to Shinrin while making plans to celebrate Midsummer's Eve on the road.
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Tall Tales

Thu, Feb 15, 2018
The party encounter a group of orcs on the road and Cor must find a way to diffuse the situation.
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Mon, Feb 26, 2018
The party arrives back at the Craftsman watchtower to find thick cobwebs.
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Warm Welcome

Thu, Mar 15, 2018
The party arrives back in Shinrin and discusses if they will stay together.
0 /10
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