First show of the series. Sketches include a training film for employees of PopCopy, Dave plays Clayton Bigsby, a white supremacist, then unveils racy videos starring an iconic singer.
Dave introduces the character, crack addict Tyrone Bigguns, who visits an elementary school and gives (what should've been) an anti-drug lecture to a class of 11 year olds.
Dave discusses his turning down QVC, a parody of Roots, including an out-take reel of gags and bloopers (to the tune of 'Yakkety-Sax'), Dave shows clips from previous, aborted shows which were filmed, but never aired. A modern take on _ 'It's a Wonderful Life' (1946)_ where Dave shows a girl who curses her big breasts away, and wonders what life would've been like without them.
Dave introduces a financial consulting firm created by the Wu-Tang Clan. Plus he gives his "realistic" take on some movie classics such as "The Matrix" and "Pretty Woman".
Sketches include Dave starring in his own video game. Plus, Dave introduces 'The Playa Haters' Club', and Dave's take on Japanese monster movies with 'Blackzilla!'.
Dave riffs on 50 Cent's latest album, and reprises 'Turn my Headphones Up.' A spoof of the Make-a-Wish Foundation. A skit parodying The "Magic Camera". Musical guest; De La Soul.
Skits include a parody of the TV series _ 'Trading Spouses' (2004)_ (between a black husband/father and white husband/father which swap families). Also: a parody sponsor's commercial for 'O'Dweeds Non-Intoxicating' marijuana. Musical guest; "BlackStar" (featuring Mos Def & Talib Kweli).
Skits include an instructional training film for new employees of PopCopy', on the finer points of customer-staff relations (abuse). Dave discusses misogyny as being in the entertainment business far longer than rap music, and illustrates the point with 'found footage' from the '50's, of Nat King Cole behaving badly towards women. A commercial for the Home Stenographer'. PBS Frontline does an exposé on the blind KKK leader who believes he's white.