Travellers to the east
After Jesus' crucifixion, three Apostles - Bartholomew, Matthias and Thomas - reportedly embarked on dangerous missions to the east. We search through folklore and ancient texts to find out about their lives and arduous journeys.
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Messengers to the west
Though their stories cannot be found in the Bible, legends tell us that the Apostles Jude, John and James the Lesser traveled to the north. Join us as we look at myth and folklore, exploring the scope of these fabled journeys and the stories of the martyrdoms of the Apostles.
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From the holy land to Africa
After the death of Jesus, the twelve Apostles are charged with delivering his message to the four corners of the earth. Gathering threads running through scripture, myth, legend and folklore, we trace these men and re-imagine their journeys.
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Jerusalem to the north
The Bible's Book of Acts recounts the Apostle Andrew's presence at Pentecost, and Peter as the leader of the nascent Christian faith. But biblical accounts of their lives stop there. Now we explore ancient apocryphal texts and medieval legends to help us learn more of their later lives and deaths.
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