Episode list

Flash Gordon

Chapter One: A Planet in Peril
Crashing on Mongo, Flash, Dale & Zarkov are brought before evil emperor Ming, who plans a conquest of Earth. While Dr. Zarkov is forced to work in Ming's lab, Flash, Dale and Thun the lion-man flee to the caverns below the city.
6.5 /10
Chapter Two: The Monsters of Mongo
Recaptured by Ming, Dale is taken to the dictator's chambers while Flash and Thun are thrown into the pit mine. Aura's reluctance to lose her Earth man leads her to the mines and the trio escapes to the forest, right into Barin's clutches.
6.9 /10
Chapter Three: Vultan - King of the Hawkmen
Taken by Vultan to the Sky City, Flash, Barin, and Thun escape the atomic furnaces but face new dangers as Ming attacks the city to rescue Aura. Flash saves Vultan from Ming's metal-men, so Vultan vows to join the fight to end Ming's reign.
6.3 /10
Chapter Four: To Save Earth
Ming launches an attack upon Arboria from both the skies and beneath the soil utilizing his mole men. Flash heads below ground, commandeers a drilling machine and bursts into Ming's palace to thwart the impending destruction of Earth.
7.3 /10
Chapter Six: Into the Water World
A magnetic ray pulls the heroes' rocket into the underwater city of Coralia, where they're greeted by Queen Undina. Flash's tour of the city is cut short when Ming's Gillmen launch an attack.
4.8 /10
Chapter Seven: Adventure in Arboria
In Arboria, Dr. Zarkov is poisoned by a flying Squirlon as a forest fire rages. Vultan and the Hawkmen deal with the fire, and then Barin and Thun lead Flash and Dale to a perilous underground cavern to find an antidote for Zarkov.
6.3 /10
Chapter Eight: The Frozen World
Flash, Dale, Zarkov and Thun head to Frigia to retrieve the scarce ore Orium to power weapons and machinery. They're welcomed with open arms by Queen Fria, but Count Malo ensures their visit to the frozen land is treacherous.
6.5 /10
Chapter Ten: Blue Magic
Racing on a rocket train from Frigia to Arboria, Flash and his friends detour to Syk, ruled by witch Queen Azura, who believes Flash is the reincarnation of Gor Daahn, her lost love.
5.5 /10
Chapter Eleven: King Flash
Flash has been hypnotized into believing he's the witch King Gor Daahn, so Zarkov has to resort to scientific methods to snap him out of it. With no desire to let him go, Queen Azura unleashes Talors, the Fire King, upon Flash and friends.
4.9 /10
Chapter Twelve: Tournament of Death
Flash and his friends escape from Ming's dungeon to the treacherous caverns below Mingo City, but they're recaptured by Princess Aura and Flash is forced to compete in a tournament against a variety of deadly animals.
5.5 /10
Chapter Thirteen: Castaways in Tropica
Zarkov fixes the rocket, but they run out of fuel and are forced to land in Tropica, where they meet Queen Desira and her cousin Braznor, who's plotting to overthrow her. Meanwhile, Barin & Aura finally profess their love for one another.
5.1 /10
Chapter Fourteen: The Desert Hawk
When Queen Desira, Flash Gordon and friends brave the dangers of the Desert of Fire, they get some help from Gundar the Desert Hawk. Meanwhile, Braznor proclaims the queen dead and seizes control of Tropica.
6.5 /10
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