Episode list

Internet Historian

Justin Bieber Has Cancer - #BaldForBieber
That time 4chan convinced a bunch of Beliebers that Justin had Stage 2 Leukaemia. I'm not narrating this one. This is one of those rare occasions where the people responsible for the troll give their first-person account.
6.4 /10
The Tumblr-4chan Wars
A history lesson in the Independence Day Wars of 2014, a fierce series of skirmishes involving 4chan and Tumblr.
7.5 /10
Pool's Closed

Fri, Feb 10, 2017
The complete history of the Habbo Hotel raids. It's the most uplifting story about AIDS, pedos and stingrays you'll find anywhere on the internet.
7.2 /10
Capture the Flag: He Will Not Divide Us
After Shia LaBeouf was defeated by Big Boss, he stole the Shagohod and fled to Russia. The Foxhound crew at /pol/ then broke into Outer Heaven and stole his favorite security blanket, which he kept at the top of a flagpole.
7.8 /10
Balloon Boy The Untold Story
A closer look at the Balloon Boy incident. The press and the police said it was a publicity stunt to make the family more marketable for future reality TV shows. But Richard Heene always claimed that it was just an accident.
6.7 /10
The Failure of Rainfurrest
The story of Rainfurrest 2015, one of the most degenerate conventions ever held. Drugs, petty vandalism and diapers -- it had it all.
8.1 /10
Tay A.I. - The People's Chatbot
Some people on the internet turned Microsoft's new chatbot, Tay, into a sort of reverse Pygmalion -- from Fair Lady back to racist street urchin. It was kind of funny - sort of - maybe you had to be there.
6.6 /10

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