Episode list

Jobs of the Damned

Zombie Girl

Sun, Jul 11, 2010
Angie finds out what it takes to transform into a Hollywood zombie - a lot of patience, a sense of humor and a willingness to get nasty, sticky stuff on your face and in your hair.
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Doug Jones

Wed, Aug 11, 2010
Now that Angie looks the part, she enlists actor Doug Jones to teach her how to move like a zombie.
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Vampire Hunter

Mon, Sep 06, 2010
Guns are fun but if you want to kill vamps (sparkly or otherwise), you can't beat the classic crossbow. Inspired by Daybreakers, we send Angie to learn the finer points of bowed combat.
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Slasher Lessons

Tue, Oct 05, 2010
Angie learns the fine art of violent homicide with hands-on lessons in death by machete, sledge hammer and other heavy, pointy and rusty objects.
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