To take preventive measures against further atrocities caused by the Unidentified Lifeforms, the police introduce the G3 unit. But when it is time to fight the murderous Pantheras Luteus, the G3 falls short to the power of Agito.
After the murders of the Saeki family, Hikawa decides to do some digging into a photo he found of their son. Meanwhile Shoichi falls into a trance-like state and becomes Kamen Rider Agito again.
After defeating the Pantheras Albus and the Pantheras Tristis, Agito damages the G3's suit severely, while in a confused state. Meanwhile, Ryo leaves the hospital, after being in critical condition.
The O-Parts lab finally unwind the ancient puzzle. Shoichi decides to leave home after being seen transforming into Agito by a member of his adopted family.
Ryo, after being distanced from his swim coach, tries to get back together with his former girlfriend as he tries to figure out what is happening to him.
After being saved by Agito and seeing Ryo accidentally change into Kamen Rider Gills, Mayumi decides she must put distance between herself and her former boyfriend.
Hikawa is suspended from operating the G3-System by his supervisors. Mana touches Shoichi's head when he collapses and accidentally dives into his memory, discovering a terrible connection between him and her late father.
Mana distances herself from Shoichi while she sorts out her feelings after looking into his memories. The police department finally decide what to do with the to G3-System going forward.
Shoichi bumps into someone who claims to know who he is. Hojo has succeeded in becoming the G3-System operator. The Overlord vanishes, leaving a frightened Ryo wondering why he is so scared.
Shoichi has been taken into questioning for the murder of the woman he was supposed to meet. Ryo learns about what happened to his father. Hojo abandons the G3-System midway through battle.
Shouichi and Mana decide to track down a friend of Miura who may know something about Shouichi's past. Ryo discovers a notebook in his father's belongings, that is full of names.
Both Ryo and Shouichi approach Saeko - Shouichi to see whether she knows anything about his past, and Ryo to understand why her name was written in his father's notebook.
The Overlord has been declared mentally unstable and was instead moved to a hospital, where he is paid a visit by a mysterious man. Kono and Hikawa walk though Professor Nobuyuki Kazaya's murder.
The G3 team takes a further look into the ball and VHS tape hidden by Mana's father. G3 comes to the rescue after Shouichi is stung by the scorpion Unknown.
The Misugi household's new housekeeper, Aki Sakaki, is confronted by Ryo because her name is in his father's notebook. Mana is skeptical whether Aki is who she claims to be.
Ryo Ashihara is ever persistent and keeps pushing Aki Sakaki about what happened to his father on the Akatsuki. Toru Hojo puts his team in place to capture Agito.
Kamen Rider Gills is left for dead after being assaulted by Toru Hojo's firing squad and G3's attack. The police decide to bring in Hojo's ex-partner Ryuji Tsukasa to head the G3 team.
Hojo investigates over Hanamura's death, wondering whether it was caused by an unknown, or a human. Shouichi takes over the bakery, after Hanamura's final request to him.