The rebels and the confused population start to feel the wrath and military might of the British Empire. The tightening of the British Army's 'ring of steel' around the Rebels leads to increasing loss of life and destruction of property on all sides. Arthur is punished for disobeying orders and is put on burial detail. He absconds back to Peggy and his family and to add to his distress discovers that his only son Peter is missing. Peggy reassures him that Father Mulcahy will bring him back to her and begs her husband to return to the barracks before he's charged with desertion. In a field hospital in the Pro-Cathedral off Sackville Street Elizabeth tends to the injured, whether civilian, rebel or servant of the Crown. She works alongside Ingrid who has decided to stay in Dublin to help the wounded. Increasingly anxious living under Vanessa's roof with no news from Charles and facing an uncertain future, May is sick and a doctor is called for. Meanwhile Frances seeks sanctuary at her Aunt Nellie's, convinced she's been followed.