
Thu, Sep 26, 1996
On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman finds out that she is a witch. However, instead of helping her, it actually makes life more difficult, especially after she gets on the wrong side of head cheerleader, Libby.
7.6 /10
Bundt Friday

Thu, Oct 03, 1996
In order to find out what Libby has been saying about her and Jenny, Sabrina gives her a piece of cake covered with truth sprinkles. However, when her teacher shares the cake with students and teachers, Sabrina finds that the truth hurts.
7.4 /10
The True Adventures of Rudy Kazootie
In an attempt at earning some money to buy roller blades, Sabrina takes a job babysitting a little boy. However, when she is trying to calm him down, she inadvertently casts a spell which turns him into a man.
7.1 /10
Terrible Things

Thu, Oct 17, 1996
Sabrina discovers that some of her closest friends have their own respective wishes, and she attempts to have all three of their desires granted.
7.4 /10
A Halloween Story
When she's forced to attend a family affair, Sabrina sends a clone to Harvey's party, where the simple-minded stand-in (who can only speak three sentences) agrees to streak naked in order to liven up the festivities. Meanwhile, the real Sabrina desperately tries to ditch her relatives: an obnoxious socialite and her brat of a daughter, whose hobby is putting people she dislikes into jars. Knowing Harvey plans to dress as James Dean, Sabrina muses about the real star, but when her aunts give her a special Halloween present of a half hour with the dead person of her choice, she opts for her beloved grandmother instead, because "Halloween is really about family."
7.7 /10
Dream Date

Thu, Oct 31, 1996
When Sabrina is left feeling down because Harvey has agreed to go to the school dance with Libby, her aunts literally cook up a date for her, but nonetheless she still pines for him.
7.6 /10
Third Aunt from the Sun
Sabrina's zany Aunt Vesta pays her a visit and soon hatches a plot to entice her niece into moving to the Other Realm.
7.3 /10
Magic Joel

Thu, Nov 14, 1996
In an effort to get Harvey's attention, Sabrina takes a job as a magician's assistant, but things go awry when she inadvertently makes the magician disappear.
7.3 /10
Geek Like Me

Thu, Nov 21, 1996
Sabrina tires of Libby's constant teasing-- which worsens when Sabrina joins a science club-- so she gives the tormentor a taste of the taunting by turning her into a nerd. Meanwhile, Zelda wants Hilda to throw out some very old items. Tired of watching Libby treat people badly, Sabrina decides to give Libby a taste of her own medicine by transforming her into a geek. However, when Libby succeeds in turning her fellow geeks against the entire school, Sabrina must find a way to unite her classmates before the plan backfires.
7.2 /10
Sweet & Sour Victory
Depressed by her lack of talent at sports, Sabrina casts a spell which makes her brilliant at Kung Fu, but when she beats a seasoned professional, her conscience bothers her.
7 /10
A Girl and Her Cat
After Salem stows away in her backpack and gets her thrown out of the local pizzeria, Sabrina washes her hands of the cat, feigning unconcern when the feline fails to return for Christmas dinner with visiting cousin Monty. When she discovers that Salem has in fact been catnapped by a stubborn little boy named Rex, Sabrina launches a desperate plan to rescue him by impersonating Santa Claus.
7.4 /10
Trial by Fury

Thu, Jan 02, 1997
When Sabrina's bitter math teacher Mr. Rothwell singles her out for unfair treatment, and her aunts are unable to make him see reason, the witch trio decide it's time to teach him a few of their own spellbinding lessons. When he's hauled into traffic court, they replace the human judge with a magical substitute who's been hibernating in a deep freeze "to prevent media bias." Meanwhile, Salem panics when his ex-girlfriend decides to pay him a surprise visit especially since she has no idea that he has been turned into a cat.
7.1 /10
Jenny's Non-Dream
After spending the weekend at Jenny's, under the advice of her aunts, Sabrina reluctantly invites Jenny to her house. However, when Jenny enters the linen closet, she ends up in the Other Realm, at the mercy of Drell.
7.4 /10
Sabrina Through the Looking Glass
A stressed-out Sabrina gets a monstrous wart, which only worsens her foul mood. And despite everyone's efforts to cheer her, she seeks solace and solitude in an alternate world inside her mirror, where she becomes trapped in her own bad mood. To Jenny for ignoring her, to Harvey for ridiculing his use of a puppet spider monkey to get them through a school assignment she flubbed, and to Libby for turning her into a goat.
7.2 /10
Hilda and Zelda: the Teenage Years
When Sabrina is disappointed that her aunts won't let her stay out late to see the famous rock band Violent Femmes, Hilda and Zelda decide to transform themselves into teenage chaperones as a compromise. But they're the ones causing the trouble when "Hillary" clashes with a security guard and a high-school boy falls for "Zellery." After proving that even teenage aunts can be embarrassing, they apologize by giving Sabrina her very first flying lesson -- aboard a vacuum cleaner.
7.6 /10
Mars Attracts!

Thu, Feb 06, 1997
Sabrina and her aunts take a trip to Mars, but Sabrina is reluctant to leave Harvey. She agrees to call him at a specified time, but when her attractive ski instructor takes a shine to her, she soon forgets about the mortal world.
7.2 /10
First Kiss

Thu, Feb 13, 1997
As Sabrina and Harvey grow closer, her aunts reveal that when a witch kisses a mortal for the first time, the mortal turns into a frog. Unable to stop herself, however, Sabrina kisses Harvey, and must find a way to change him back.
8 /10
Sweet Charity

Thu, Mar 06, 1997
Hoping to encourage more students to join the Adopt-A-Grandparent program, Sabrina finds a mischievous way to get trend-setting Libby to participate: she impersonates her, necessitating quick Superman-style telephone booth transformation whenever the real Libby turns up. But Sabrina's well-meant scheme goes wrong when Libby bonds with Sabrina's adopted grandmother Nana, who claims to know most of Hollywood's young hunks personally. Meanwhile, Zelda can't decide whether to continue dating a man who is centuries younger than she is; and Hilda and Salem eat too much of a magical "hair soup" that causes their hair to grow at an exponential rate.
7.4 /10
Cat Showdown

Thu, Mar 20, 1997
Sabrina has blown her allowance, and Salem has maxed out his credit card over the phone, so they decide to enter a cat show to earn the prize money, but soon find themselves wrapped up in a blackmail scheme to force the judge to throw the competition, and, to avoid being caught, Sabrina has to transform herself into a contestant. Meanwhile, Hilda and Zelda seek out a magical perfume that will make Zelda repulsive to their love-sick mailman Dirk, and Hilda gets shrunk as a punishment for taking free samples in the magical "Full Moon" shop.
7.7 /10
Meeting Dad's Girlfriend
Preparing for her father's monthly visit, Sabrina anticipates the teenage trauma of introducing her father to her boyfriend (actually, Edward and Harvey do reasonably well), but isn't prepared for the teenage trauma of meeting your divorced father's new girlfriend, an attractive supernatural lawyer named Gail. Initially hostile, Sabrina is persuaded by her aunts to see reason and tries to make amends by asking whether Edward and Gail plan to get married. When they simultaneously answer "Yes" (Gail) and "No" (Edward), Gail furiously dives into Sabrina's magic book.
7.1 /10
As Westbridge Turns
Sabrina, bored with her life, opens a magical can of worms which instantly transforms Sabrina's life into a dramatic soap opera. However, things don't go exactly as the teen witch originally planned, especially when she gets accused of being a thief.
7.9 /10
The Great Mistake
Sabrina hits a really bad day: disregarding her aunts' warning, she buys a "tomorrow" ball from a supernatural traveling salesman, and believes its prediction that she will get an "A-" on her science project. Unfortunately, Mr. Pool doesn't share that estimation of her work, and gives her a C- and a chance to redo the project overnight. Instead, Sabrina tries to sneak out of the house aboard her trusty vacuum cleaner to attend a "Smashing Pumpkins" concert, but gets pulled over by a flying motorcycle cop and cited for flying over the town "with a full bag and bad dust emissions.
7.2 /10
The Crucible

Thu, May 08, 1997
Sabrina's fears become reality when she takes part in a re-creation of the Salem witch trials and is accused of sorcery while defending Jenny's honor. Libby made up a bunch of lies, just to get rid of Sabrina and Jenny, accusing them of practice witchcraft. At the end, all teachers realizes that she was lying, and Sabrina casted a spell on her as a revenge.
7.9 /10
Troll Bride

Thu, May 15, 1997
When Sabrina can't find her homework, she follows Salem's advice to consult a professional magic finder, but when troll Roland appears and quickly uncovers her missing notebook, he demands her hand in marriage as payment. Following him home to attempt reason she is trapped in his castle and can only be rescued by the prince she loves: Harvey. Has the moment come when he will learn the truth about Sabrina's unusual family?
7.4 /10
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