The Lizard releases all reptiles in Central Park Zoo and decides to turn New York into a massive jungle to perfect his reptile army - Spider-Man has to stop him.
The Black Cat challenges Spider-Man, stating that she will steal the famous Maltese Mouse artifact. Spidey manages to stop the Cat and is offered to guard the artifact on live television - with the Black Cat about to strike again.
The Sandman steals radioactive soil samples from the NASA to make himself more powerful. Peter must expose his identity to the school board to safe face if he wishes to stay in college. But he must also stop the Sandman.
Communication satellites and power generators start to disappear, and Magneto broadcasts that he will return the satellites and power for a million dollars. Spider-Man travels to the Easter Island to face off against the super-villain.
Across New York, U.N. delegates are kidnapped and replaced by android duplicates. Meanwhile, in the distant kingdom of Latveria, the peasant Johan frees his father from captivity, vowing to also free his country from Doctor Doom.
Norman Osborn's memory of the Green Goblin is restored. He dons the mask of his evil Green Goblin persona and heads out to seek revenge against Spider-Man.
The leader of a burglary gang, called the Stuntman, offers to appear with Spider-Man on a TV show to pay damages caused by him but he actually wants revenge. Spider-Man must defeat the Stuntman on live television.
Dr. Doom battles Goron, a being that can shoot multi-property beams from his eyes. Doom proposes a partnership with Goron to take over the world. Spider-Man runs into Goron when Doom sends him to New York to uses his growth beams.
Peter's assignment from Jameson is to report on how valuables can be transported publicly be camouflage. The convoy is attacked by the Sidewinder. To get the property back, Spidey must defeat the Sidewinder's monstrous mechanical bull.
Jameson decides to hire Kraven the Hunter to capture the last known sabretooth tiger as a mascot for the Bugle which turns out to be Zabu. When Ka-Zar learns of Kraven's involvement in his pet's disappearance, he follows him to New York.
A new criminal, known as "the Gadgeteer", steals a shrinking ray. Attempting to stop him, Spider-Man is exposed to the device and swiftly begins shrinking in size.
Master criminal Professor Gizmo devises a plan to use Spider-Man to attach an antenna to a sunken treasure ship since only he can withstand the pressure at that depth. Peter has been invited to a charity cruise on board Jameson's yacht.
Doom travels to New York to install a giant laser. Boris frees a slave named Johan and tells him Doom's origin. Johan travels to the Latverian resistance base in New York while Spider-Man aims to shut down Doom's cannon.
Spider-Man witnesses the capture of Captain America, as orchestrated by the Red Skull. Now Spider-Man must rescue the star-spangled hero before the Red Skull can project his consciousness into Captain America's body.
Johan has made it to New York where he meets a group of underground Latverian resistance fighters while Spider-Man has to rescue Betty and make Johan's story public. Spider-Man then has to face Doom yet again and save the Earth.
Dr. Bradley Shaw and his manipulative assistant Penny study Spider-Man with the intent to duplicate them. Penny forces Shaw to experiment on himself but he is turned into a half-human, half-spider mutation known as Nephilia.
Doctor Doom's master plan goes ahead. He uses a laser canon to ignite all the volcanoes around the Pacific rim of fire. The resulting eruptions move the Earth from its orbit, sending it away from the Sun and plunging it into a new ice age.
Spider-Man encounters the villainous Chameleon, a master of disguise, and tricks Aunt May into taking an amulet with her that gives out a hypnotic gas.
The crime boss Silvermane comes to New York to call a truce with the Kingpin. The Kingpin himself has dumped toxic waste into the river, which in return calls Namor the Sub-Mariner to the surface.
Spider-Man meets the Inhuman Medusa who has been invited to New York by the Wizard, her old partner in crime. She refuses his offer of joining forces with him, so the Wizard gives Medusa an unremoveable collar forcing her to work for him.