Episode list

Stampy's Lovely World

Christmas Day
Sun, Dec 23, 2012
  • S1.E45
  • Christmas Day
9.2 /10
Animal Farm
Fri, Jan 11, 2013
  • S1.E50
  • Animal Farm
9.1 /10
Unexpected Drama
Fri, Dec 07, 2012
  • S1.E42
  • Unexpected Drama
9.1 /10
Gregory The Dog

Sat, Jun 02, 2012
Stampy shows the progress made on his second and more permanent house, and then begins building his storage area with the company of a new companion.
8.1 /10
Inconvenient Death
Stampy continues to improve his lovely house by building the crafting room and adding trees to the top of the storage room. He also has trouble with a glitch that causes googlies to spawn by him while he is asleep.
8.3 /10
Journey Into The Nether
Stampy introduces his 5 new dogs and then collects obsidian to create a portal to go to a dimension called "The Nether".
8.3 /10
Fun At The Farm
Stampy is trying to finish getting all of the achievements in Minecraft so he starts a farm to get the materials to craft a cake. He also got 3 new dogs offscreen but they are starting to get in his way.
8.1 /10
My Lovely Doghouse
Stampy got 4 more dogs offscreen but also built a giant doghouse to keep them in. He just needs to add some finishing touches for it to be good enough for his dogs.
8.2 /10
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