Episode list

Surviving Disaster


Mon, Aug 31, 2009
Navy SEAL Cade Courtley fights terrorists in this highly realistic simulation of an aircraft hijacking.
7.7 /10
Towering Inferno
See what happens when an average day at work turns into a fight for survival in a deadly inferno. Cade Courtley uses SEAL tactics to show you how to maneuver through flame-filled corridors, break through walls, and more.
0 /10

Mon, Sep 14, 2009
A major hurricane hits your city. Navy Seal Cade Courtley shows you how to maneuver your car through flooded streets, cross a fast-moving river to get to higher ground and barricade yourself in an abandoned house to survive.
0 /10
Home Invasion

Mon, Sep 21, 2009
When violent criminals break into your home, Navy SEAL Cade Courtley shows you how to fight back if escape is not an option. Learn how to get out of hand restraints and devise a plan for escape.
0 /10

Mon, Sep 28, 2009
A day on the slopes turns disastrous when a deadly avalanche hits. Using the latest survival methods and military techniques, Cade Courtley shows you how to survive.
0 /10
Lost at Sea

Mon, Oct 05, 2009
A leisurely ocean voyage becomes your worst nightmare when you get trapped under a capsized boat in a violent storm at sea. Navy SEAL Cade Courtley shows you how to escape and then survive as you drift for days on a life raft.
0 /10
Mall Shooting

Mon, Oct 12, 2009
A highly trained terrorist cell takes over a crowded mall in a military style siege. Navy SEAL Cade Courtley shows you how to survive a firefight using SEAL Team tactics and take on this well armed enemy.
7.2 /10
Nuclear Attack

Mon, Oct 19, 2009
A nuclear bomb has been detonated on American soil. Navy SEAL Cade Courtly shows you what to do in the first 20 minutes of detonation in order to survive.
0 /10

Mon, Nov 09, 2009
The world is under attack from terrorists with deadly nerve gas and a global pandemic that kills millions. Navy SEAL Cade Courtley will show you how to escape from a gas attack, create an isolation room, and defend your house.
0 /10

Mon, Nov 02, 2009
A massive earthquake hits the largest fault line in the middle of the country and reduces entire cities to rubble. Navy SEAL Cade Courtley shows you how to survive the shake and escape if you get buried in debris.
0 /10
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