Worldsmiths: The Dissonance Artist
Junji Ito has become one of the most beloved horror artists of this generation, perhaps of all time. But where does his strange brand of dissonance come from? How does he create stories that are beautifully disturbing - and kind of goofy?
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Worldsmiths: The Blood Artist
When you look at Clive Barker's work, it's easy to imagine sinister, fang-y creatures behind the text. But in person, he's nothing like that. That separation of author and artist is how he makes the pages "bleed" for him.
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Worldsmiths: The Frustration Artist
It's easy to want to help your audience understand your work, but sometimes the closest connection someone can feel with your work actually comes from the challenge of understanding it in their own way.
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Worldsmiths: The Experience Artist
Sherlock Holmes is one of the most beloved characters of all time, but his exploits, mannerisms, traits, quirks belong to his author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who has an important lesson to teach anyone who wants to write fiction.
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Worldsmiths: The Truth Artist
Fiction and fantasy have a reputation for escapism. But there's also a shockingly large amount of truth in the lies we invent for our stories. No one knows this better than one of the most beloved authors in the world: Neil Gaiman.
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Worldsmiths: The Isolation Artist
H.P. Lovecraft horrifies us by turning our thoughts to the vast and unknowable cosmos we occupy, but he managed to do that from the tiny landscape of his own bedroom, within his limited purview. Perhaps we do something similar.
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Divine Consultants - The Beginning

Divine Consultants - The Beginning

Headstrong but confused Joy Amicable lives in a divided society where for some of the people, the world is a utopia, and for the others, a dystopia. Joy belongs to a discriminated minority, but tries to merge into the mainstream. Rumours say that the minority spreads a dangerous Soul Trap disease that only infect the docile mainstream. When Joy's best friend Hope goes missing but nobody cares to search for her, she starts her detective alter ego comes out and starts investigation - she discovers that the lies and the corruption around her are much nearer than she would have wanted - the leaders and the authorities she had trusted turn out to be monsters, just then she gets to meet the supernatural and lethal Company Man. Who else has to be sacrificed before the truth is revealed? Part 1/18. Joy. Joy Amicable belongs to a discriminated minority and tries to blend into the mainstream by any means. The atmosphere is strained when heroic activity at school does not produce the desired result. Part 2/18. Hope. Dr. Aliah's meeting doesn't go as expected, and Joy is tired of listening to his parents quarrel. Joy and Hope leave to raise money for charity, but there's some strange folks moving around town. Part 3/18. Collision. Dr. Aliah and Mayor Hayne cannot agree on a star program. Joy and Hope find that they are being followed, but help is nowhere near. A sudden conflict leads to problems in the Stars Program as well as in friendship. Part 4/18. Another me. Joy's alter ego pops up when things don't go according to plan. Joy tries to get back to Dr. Aliah's Stars Program, but notices that she may not be as balanced as she claims. Part 5/18. Lost friend. Hope has been missing for seven days. Joy is desperately looking for her all around the town. Eventually, Joy finds a man who recognizes Hope. Part 6/18. Risk-taking. Does the surprising clue take Joy closer to Hope? Hope's mystical disappearance stresses Joy and she is determined to find her. At the same time, she is risking his own safety. Part 7/18. Surprise from high up. Joy's illegal investigations become even more dangerous when someone else is interested in the same subject. Joy should focus on the Stars Program, but instead she asks for help from a new party. Part 8/18. Rumors of Hope. Susie is in a strange company. Joy has a chance to prove her progress in the stellar program, but on her way to Aliah she hears strange rumors about Hope. Joy has to push hard to get after the rumors. Part 9/18. Fraud? Is Aliah hiding something? Joy can't stop her alter ego and accuses Aliah of secrecy and lying, but things aren't as simple as they first seemed. Part 10/18. Dad. Joy's father wants to help, but the consequences are out of control. So it would be better for Joy to focus on studying, but she finds a surprising connection to Hope's disappearance. Part 11/18. Reporter. According to Anton the reporter, Joy's investigations should be stopped immediately. At home, things are getting worse. Joy gets scary news, but it's maybe too late to cancel the Almis test. Part 12/18. Nightmare. Joy dives into the depths of the Almis test trip. In her nightmares she struggles with the alter ego are and her parents who are taking Joy even deeper into the danger. Does anyone care if Joy survives? Part 13/18. Kidnapping. Joy gets a surprise guest and hears what really happened in Mayor Hayne's basement. An arrogant teacher does not ease the situation, but fortunately a Zenith turns out to be friendly. Part 14/18. The Mayor's secret. Joy goes to find out what Mayor Hayne is hiding in his house. An old acquaintance crashes in as surprise and shocks everyone. The rioting Nadirs approach Mayor's house, but does the Mayor give them mercy? Part 15/18. The Company Man. Who is the supernatural man behind the influential but unknown corporation, and how does this all relate to the Mayor? And will Joy finally find out what happened to Hope? Part 16/18. More lies. Joy finally understands what this is all about. The Company Man comes to destroy the evidence and is about to destroy the entire building. Joy releases her anger at the Aliah who is trying to convince Joy of the danger. Part 17/18. Sacrifice. The menacing Company Man wants the evidence, even if forcibly, but Joy no longer intends to sacrifice others but to sacrifice herself again. Joy brings the evidence and confronts the most dangerous supernatural killer, The Company Man. Is Joy going to make it?! Part 18/18. Happy Ending? The Nadir riots are calming down and the dust has settled. Joy wants to make it clear to the Aliah how she mistreated other with the Star Program, but does the Aliah hear anything anymore?

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