Episode list

The Challenge

El desafío

Wed, Oct 28, 2020
The Challenge ETA is an eight-episode documentary series. Special resume for premiere
8.3 /10
Oscuridad y Silencio
ETA was born during Franco's dictatorship as a Basque movement fighting for freedom. But Franco is dead, democracy established and ETA continues to kill.
8.1 /10
La escalada de ETA
With the death of Franco, political prisoners are freed. Many of ETA's terrorist will walk out and take the path of death.
8 /10
Fuego y hierro

Wed, Oct 28, 2020
The escalation of ETA reaches an unusual level: car bombs that kill dozens of people, especially Guardias civiles.
7.8 /10
Camino a la negociación
The State agrees to negotiate with ETA, although its leaders have no intention of giving up and new corpses continue to resurface.
7.9 /10
Guerra total

Wed, Oct 28, 2020
ETA's new lidership is even more bloodthirsty than the previous one. One of its main decisions is the attempted assassination of the candidate for the presidency of the Government.
8.3 /10
Jaque a ETA

Wed, Oct 28, 2020
ETA is once again against the ropes, but it is an injured and dangerous animal that will try to blow up the financial center of Madrid.
8.3 /10
Solo queda el dolor
ETA is over. Nevertheless, they try to reapply pressure over the State, which again is negotiating with their representatives.
8.1 /10
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