Fri, Sep 09, 1966
(1.1A) {The Force Phantom}: Invaders from a moon around Mars are intent on using their Force Phantom creature to destroy Earth's defenses. Superman comes to the rescue and attempts to stop the energy creature and destroy the invader's spaceship. (1.1B) {The Spy From Outer Space - Part 1}: An alien from another galaxy appears on earth causing volcanoes and severe weather changes. Superboy and Krypto are able to stop him, but the creature warns of a coming invasion and vanishes. Superboy quickly pursues him only to find his powers are beginning to diminish. Alas, Krypto can only look on as his master is captured. (1.1C) {The Mermen of Emor}: While scuba diving, Jimmy is captured by a group of strange Mermen intent on making him a part of their gladiatorial games. Upon hearing Jimmy's signal watch, Superman comes to the rescue of Jimmy and others captured before him. Will he make it in time to save his friend and banish the Mermen once again to their underworld home of Emor?