Sôdo dansâ

Wed, Apr 12, 2006
In a world overrun by monstrous bugs and ravaged by outlaws, there's only one person to call when you need a job done right: Honoka. With a sense for danger, exemplary sword skills, and a smart-aleck A.I. tank by the name of Bogie, Honoka is ready to tackle any job and solve any problem for her clients. One night while crossing the desert, she finds a young man alone in the wasteland.
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Kôshii ichiya

Wed, Apr 19, 2006
Honoka isn't ready to go home, so she and her new traveling companion arrange to meet up with the mechanic Zankan and his young daughter, Millie. However, their plans are disturbed by some unexpected guests.
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Sabaku no machi

Wed, Apr 26, 2006
Honoka parts ways with Iks and returns to Emporium. After hearing The Third has bulked up their Inspection Forces, it occurs to Honoka that the rumors could have something to do with her new acquaintance.
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Aoi satsurikusha
Honoka and Bogie pick up the long-awaited PSP from Zankan. Just after parting ways, Honoka senses an alarming presence pass overhead. It's the Auto-Enforcer Blue Breaker, whose name is synonymous with terror -- and it's heading right toward her friends.
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Aoi tenchûgan

Wed, May 17, 2006
Somehow, Honoka manages to drive Blue Breaker away but when she loses her bandanna her secret is revealed.
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Yoake made

Wed, Jun 14, 2006
After leaving Millie in the care of a relative and parting ways with Iks, Honoka and Bogie head back out to the desert for another job. But while they camp, Honoka is awakened with the news that an armored ant clings to the tank.
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Enporiumu no gogo
Honoka and Bogie cross paths with a herd of stampeding sand dragons. Meanwhile, The Third rush to counter a growing danger to the planet. What mysterious threat could strike such fear even in The Third?
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Fri, Apr 28, 2006
The Third continues to monitor the rapidly expanding white light. It's a spatial distortion created by Gravestone, a weapon left over from the Great War. Meanwhile, Honoka does a job for Emporium's chief administrator. On her way to the sand dragon nest, a dune buggy catches up to the tank, and a strange woman Honoka met earlier in town steps out...
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