Episode list

Wild New World

Land of the Mammoth
During a typical prehistoric day, a giant short-faced bear challenges a herd of musk oxen, and woolly mammoths defend their baby from American lions.
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Wed, Oct 09, 2002
America's South West was a land of extremes where herbivores such as mammoths and ground sloths sheltered in the Grand Canyon caves, while cougars pursued bighorn sheep and mountain goats on the cliffs above.
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Ice Age Oasis

Wed, Oct 16, 2002
Among the creatures that inhabited Florida at the time of the first human visitations were giant ground sloths, and armored glyptodonts the size of a small car.
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Edge of the Ice

Wed, Oct 23, 2002
At the end of the last Ice Age, the collapse of an ice dam in the New World triggered a rush of water that created a waterfall of epic proportions. New research suggests that the first people to arrive in America were hunters who travelled by boat, while the animal population of the time included such creatures as the elephant-like mastodon and its biggest predator, the scimitar-toothed cat.
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American Serengeti
America's Ice Age plains were home to an abundance of wild beasts - cheetahs pursued antelopes at over 60mph, packs of wolves overpowered two-ton bison, and a giant short-faced bear challenged prides of American lions for their prey.
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Mammoths to Manhattan
Why did many species of mammals become extinct at the end of America's Ice Age, 13,000 years ago? The final film examines the evidence and looks at how the survivors have adapted to the altered landscape of North America - 21st century mouse roam through downtown Anchorage while burrowing owls raise young in Silicon Valley.
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