Episode list


The Y-chromosome
A dead man's body is spluttered with blood, one cold morning: a nobody who slept in the park the previous night, in London like so many. The story is narrated and presented by the Y wizard.
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Y-chemical symbol of Yttrium
The universe is governed by the rules of the periodic table, there is one periodic symbol in particular above all the others that can change the course of history as narrated and presented by the Y wizard.
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Fri, Jul 19, 2019
The act of submission and servility to the authority as explained by the Y wizard.
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Y=Y=Y magnitude.
An average man has the highest sex drive among all primates and miles apart from its female counterpart. Can this drive be tamed and controlled? The Y wizard scrutinizes the problem.
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Sat, Aug 03, 2019
The population of the UK has been swamped by huge influxes of Eastern European peoples, already immersed with huge migrations from Africa and Asia. How is it affecting the British population?
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Sun, Aug 04, 2019
Britain claims to be part of a global world where so many things seem to be run from overseas in countries like India and China with call centers where no one understands each other's. The Y wizard investigates.
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Y-Symbol of Tyrosine.
Can an AI or Artificial Intelligence really exist or is it only a machine with one or many humans hiding behind? The Y wizard investigates.
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Y-2K The Millennium Bug
Hoaxes, make beliefs and breaking news. How can we trust anything or what anyone is saying? In the year 2020, in the Y2K2 revival of the bug; of the virus. The Y wizard investigates.
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