The New Digs

Mon, Nov 11, 2024
Rick, Marty and their team return to Oak Island after a flood, discovering a new shaft that could finally lead them to the legendary Money Pit.
6.7 /10
Whistle While You Work
The team is thrilled yet concerned when the investigation of the Golden Egg, an area that scientific evidence suggests the legendary riches are hidden, immediately shows signs that they've come upon an underground void collapsing.
6.6 /10
The Saga Continues
Marty and members of the team travel to the north to a Viking settlement and uncover more evidence that may connect descendants of the Vikings to the Knights Templar. Back on Oak Island, new clues suggest Lot 5 was a place of worship.
6.5 /10
Concrete Evidence
Optimism abounds when the Fellowship returns to Smith's Cove and finds evidence of work that could finally uncover the legendary flood tunnels and lead hem directly to the Money Pit.
6.3 /10
A Flood of Secrets
As the team uncovers evidence near flood tunnels, ground-penetrating radar detects a possible offset chamber in the Money Pit.
6.3 /10
Hide and Seek

Mon, Dec 16, 2024
When the team hits more wood deep in the Money Pit area where GPR results detected what could be an offset chamber, the Fellowship is more convinced than ever that their search for answers is about to payoff.
5.9 /10
A Bead on the Target
While the team continues to hunt down the legendary Chappell Vault in the Money Pit, new structures are uncovered in the mysterious swamp that strengthen a developing theory.
0 /10
Brick by Brick

Mon, Jan 20, 2025
In the swamp, the team uncovers a previously unknown structure remarkably resembling a container. And after weeks of chasing the elusive Chappell Vault, the Fellowship hits a void deep in the Money Pit.
0 /10
Mapping It Out
The team is ecstatic when a newly discovered treasure map turns out to be more accurate than they could ever have imagined.
0 /10
Caissons Ho!

Mon, Feb 24, 2025
After months of tireless work and focused research, the massive excavation to recover the fabled Chappell Vault begins.
0 /10

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