Episode list

Claimed and Shamed

Episode #14.1

Sun, Feb 05, 2023
A builder who says he was given dodgy advice before faking a claim finds himself facing a prison sentence. A burglary victim turns rogue to get a bigger payout and a serial claimer is caught out when a faked fall is recorded on CCTV.
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Episode #14.2

Mon, Feb 06, 2023
A fast-food brawl leaves a woman thinking she can get her hands on £100,000. A plumber tries to claim for his stolen tools twice. Satellite technology exposes a crash-for-cash gang. A serial cheat fakes damage to a sofa multiple times.
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Episode #14.3

Tue, Feb 07, 2023
A jogger fakes a fall for a £6,500 payout, but his antics are caught on CCTV. An adrenaline junkie with a £50,000 claim is caught out online. A driver is exposed for implicating his nearest and dearest in a false claim.
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Episode #14.4

Wed, Feb 08, 2023
CCTV shows what really happened after a fall at a birthday party results in a claim. A holidaymaker goes AWOL when asked tricky questions about a lost-luggage claim. A footballer's social media posts expose his lies about an accident.
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Episode #14.5

Thu, Feb 09, 2023
A woman claiming for injuries is caught out on the dance-floor. A serving police officer gets involved in a claim for bikes that don't exist. A binman fails to mention his sporting sideline when claiming for serious injury.
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Episode #14.6

Sun, Feb 12, 2023
When a theme park trip ends in tears the victim tries to take his insurer for a ride. A couple hit by a shop sign make a dodgy claim. A man puts in a dodgy claim after crashing a digger. Investigators discover that a crash has been staged.
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Episode #14.7

Mon, Feb 13, 2023
A criminal who masterminded an insurance racket is put back behind bars. A wedding photographer's claim for ruined camera kit is exposed as a lie. A woman claiming for an injury caused by a faulty shoe is tripped up by her own evidence.
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Episode #14.8

Tue, Feb 14, 2023
A pet owner can't get his story straight about his dogs' disappearance. Dodgy whiplash claims made by a group of friends are delivered a huge blow. A trio who submit separate claims for trips over drain covers see their scam flushed out.
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Episode #14.9

Wed, Feb 15, 2023
A mum plays fast and loose with the facts to get a refund for her family holiday. There's stormy weather for the homeowner who says her property was damaged in gale-force winds. A man clones someone else identity to cash in.
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Episode #14.10
A con man is exposed when he loses his cool with call centre staff, and a holidaymaker is left to foot a huge medical bill abroad after being caught out changing his story. A scammer behind a one-man crime spree is stopped in his tracks.
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Episode #14.11
A cabbie trying to make a quick buck in a crash-for-cash scam puts his livelihood at risk. The chips are down for a woman involved in a freak accident in a takeaway. A father claims for a new TV. A criminal sells dodgy insurance.
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Episode #14.12
A woman pursuing an £800,000 injury claim after a factory accident is caught out on camera. A footballer scores an own goal when online posts kick his whiplash claim into touch. Two men try to cash in on a car crash.
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Episode #14.13
A family's £20,000 food poisoning fraud is laid bare when online posts expose their lies. Investigators catch a cabbie out after discovering a dubious history of 20 accidents. Prison staff halt an inmate's dubious injury claim.
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Episode #14.14
A burst pipe, a ruined family home and a £30,000 insurance claim put investigators on high alert, and the brakes are applied to a series of deliberate and dangerous car crashes.
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Episode #14.15
A woman pursuing a £10,000 payout after falling into a drain story doesn't add up. A homeowner claiming to have been burgled 3 times in 3 years is found out. A convict is caught on CCTV making his getaway with a takeaway.
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