Victoria and Christine Lisowski live in fear of their mother, Sungnam Kwon-Lisowski. They never imagine that this Christmas, they'll feel lucky to survive the holiday and their mother's crazed vengeance.
Tammy Moore's loyalty to her mother, Marie, is absolute; when police arrest Marie for murder, Tammy lies to protect her; a look back at the horrific events of her youth forces Tammy to see her mother in a new, terrifying light.
Christina Thomas believes her brother, John, the first time he nearly kills a woman; forgives him when he murders another. When it happens again, she wonders why she trusted him and how she missed signs he was really a devil in disguise.
Vince Boston finds himself an unwitting accomplice to murder, and he realizes his father, Silas, has been killing for years; he embarks on a mission to get justice for his father's many victims, which may include Vince's mother.
When Terry Patzer hears what police discovered at Russell Tillis' house of horrors, memories of the nine years she spent married to him flood back; she can't explain how her former lover became so twisted, but she was right to be afraid.
Ginger knows her sister Paige is trouble, as she feels entitled to her family's undivided attention and becomes a monster when she doesn't get it; over time, Ginger watches as Paige abuses and murders the person she cares for the most.
Teresa Holman spends her childhood wishing her father, Freddie Bowen, would die for things he does to his family, but when presented with a chance to get her wish, the choice she makes has unforeseen consequences and leads to tragedy.
Sara moves forward in a relationship with a man who presents himself as a man of God. But finds out about a domestic violence incident that would not be his first or worst.