Mind Pollution

Fri, Sep 13, 1991
Using a drug called "Bliss" Verminous Skumm turns people into drug addict zombies. He even manages to trick Linka into taking the drug and becoming his slave. But without her the team cannot summon Captain Planet.
6.2 /10
The Garbage Strikes
Dr. Helix, a scientist Gi is a fan of, appears to have found a solution for oil-spills by placing his invented substance in water where it absorbs the oil. Sly Sludge decides to get rich off of this so poses as an interested scientist then steals the formula before it's tested, offering to let it devour trash in France where garbage-collectors prove a problem by going on strike. It turns out that the substance grows after "eating" the garbage, turning into a type of blob with an appetite growing with its size. The Planeteers must stop it before its hunger-rampage destroys everything in its path.
5.3 /10
Domes of Doom

Fri, Sep 27, 1991
While Ma-Ti and Wheeler visit Ma-Ti's village in the Amazon, they learn a man called Baron Giftus promises to show the countries of the world a solution to Earth's air-pollution problem - though none of them realize it's a trick of Looten Plunder's. While Wheeler, who doubts his promise, stays behind, Ma-Ti goes to Washington DC with the gift of a headdress from his tribe - and learns of the man's true identity when he sees Argos Bleak and uses Heart to see through Plunder's disguise as Giftus, but he is captured and his ring is stolen so he can't contact the others. Back on Hope Island, the remaining Planeteers become aware of the situation when Plunder reveals that he's installing plastic domes around every civilization with tubes to remove foul and release pure air - at a price, which no town can afford to refuse since the smog trapped inside the plastic is unbearable. Trapped himself under one of these back in the rainforest, Wheeler tries to figure out how to escape and free Ma-Ti, and join the others to summon Captain Planet and put Plunder Air out of business.
5.2 /10
Send in the Clones
On Moghal Island, Looten Plunder plans to open a factory and hires Dr. Blight to use her cloning-ray to give him many workers so he won't have to pay them much. The Planeteers don't know exactly what the two are planning as go to investigate, but after they arrive and meet an ambitious but unappreciated local girl named Leela, they're just in time to see her lazy brother Vico captured. Blight and Plunder didn't get to keep their first test-subject, a locust, to see how and what would happen when it clones, but use the ray on Vico anyway. The Planeteers and Leela get him out, and later see that eating causes him to double in number. In a society where males are favored, his parents are delighted to have twin then quadruplet sons. But the Planeteers must go after the swarm of locusts and stop Plunder's getting the clone Vicos to work for him (paid with food), since both the insects and the boys threaten the island with their rapidly-increasing hunger as they multiply...
5.6 /10
The Predator

Fri, Oct 11, 1991
Gi tells Ma-Ti the shark he thought was attacking him during their swim on vacation was a plant-eater, but a Florida Keys local overhears and misunderstands part of their conversation and soon the town believes the beach is overrun by man-eating beasts. Argos Bleak takes advantage of the promises of a reward for someone who will keep the people safe by vowing to kill all sharks. Ma-Ti and Gi try to warn people that harming sharks will mean harming the environment when the animals they control become too populous, then attempt to stop Bleak's hunting, but they are captured. The other Planeteers fly out to meet them, but are shot into the ocean by Bleak. They have to stop his shark-hunting, especially after he intends to use the Planeteers as bait and unchecked numbers of jellyfish really do give the beach-goers something to fear attack from...
5.4 /10
The Ark

Fri, Oct 18, 1991
The Planeteers are trying to save the tigers whose habitat is being destroyed by Greedly and Blight, when suddenly they are abducted by an alien who collects endangered animals.
5.4 /10
Isle of Solar Energy
Professor Apollo invents a solar beam which can power anything, but Duke Nukem steals the beam and converts it into a deadly radiation ray to power himself. The Planeteers must stop Nukem before the ray destroys the island.
5.8 /10
The Coral Killer
Hoggish Greedly introduces "dynamite-fishing" to the Philippines, since fishing by placing explosives in the water quickly kills fish...and is the perfect cover for him to dig in the coral reef their ocean ecosystem thrives on and steal and sell its remains. The Planeteers arrive to caution the locals to stop using explosives before the reef, and ultimately their way of life, is destroyed. They have trouble convincing Marcaria, a fisherman's wife, that any gains made will be overshadowed by the losses of sea-life and the length of time the reef would take to grow back, which Greedly's lies didn't mention. When they try to prove the damage to her while diving through the reef, Greedly captures Gi and the others are caught in an underwater cavern when coral struck from her torpedo against his blocks the opening. The other four must free themselves, since Captain Planet cannot stay thanks to Greedly's toxins, and release Gi and convince Macaria's husband Tacio and the other villagers that even their survival is in danger since not having coral reefs brings no resistance to tidal waves.
5.9 /10
The Big Clam-Up

Fri, Nov 08, 1991
In San Francisco, many are falling sick to poisonings of what look like various toxins and chemicals. The Planeteers go to investigate. Ma-Ti's obsession for old mystery novels makes him eager to prove how good a detective he is. However, none of them notice Verminous Skumm's presence when every place they examine is sabotaged and those they get information from sicken. Ma-Ti's distractions don't help the others learn everything soon enough to solve the problem, so they have him stay behind while they meet a talking mime who invites them to a restaurant at the Bay called The Sinking Ship. They soon learn who he is and that he causes the disease here by feeding runoff-contaminated seafood, and need help to escape when they are about to be made to eat it themselves...
5.6 /10
An Inside Job

Fri, Nov 15, 1991
The Planeteers get shrunk to microscopic size and put into polluted water, which Kwame drinks. They battle hideous water-borne parasites in Kwame's body so that he can recover, and the Planeteers restore themselves to proper size.
5.2 /10
The Fine Print

Fri, Nov 22, 1991
The Planeteers visit an organic farm to see how natural insect-repellents are used on crops, but Joe, a neighboring illiterate farmer too ashamed to admit he can't read, receives a job offer operating sprayers from Looten Plunder and Argos Bleak. Their machines are full of pesticide that not only kills the insects, but also other animals. This nearly causes a mass- poisoning when a cloud of it heads for the town. The Planeteers succeed in warning Angela, a schoolteacher, and her students, and Captain Planet removes the gas before leaving. The Planeteers decide to investigate the gas, and take Angela when she reveals that her boyfriend Joe suffered fainting-attacks near where the pesticides were used. Joe is tricked into signing a form making him liable for the operation by being told that he's insuring himself so Plunder will pay for his medical bills. When he sees Plunder and Bleak preparing to attack Angela with the Planeteers, he attempts to intervene but is locked in a warehouse. Ma-Ti and Angela are soon placed with him, and the other Planeteers are forced into a silo filled with corn, as Plunder plans to pour pesticides in on all seven and blame Joe. The Planeteers must break free to stop Plunder from causing any more harm, but even Captain Planet is at the mercy of poisons and farm-machinery.
5 /10
Off Road Hog

Fri, Nov 29, 1991
While touring the desert, Ma-Ti is surprised how many animals live there - but is even more shocked to see that it's the spot Hoggish Greedly has chosen for his off-road racing, despite the threats his guide Josh says it gives to the animals there. Gaia reveals also that even small vehicles cause bad damage by unleashing much sand that will be eroded during a rain and prevent plants and animals from surviving. The other Planeteers join Ma-Ti and Josh to find Greedly already attacking, getting a young dirt-biker named Pete on his side by claiming there's nothing to worry about destroying so his enemies are pointless thorns. Captain Planet takes Greedly's and Rigger's road-hogs to prevent the race, but after a sandstorm hits, Pete, whose dirt-bike was stolen by Greedly, is rescued by the Planeteers and, realizing what racing would really do to the environment, reveals it will still be held. He, Josh, and the Planeteers have to stop it from happening before more problems occur, like the flood that occurs during a rainfall...
4.9 /10
Trouble on the Half Shell
During a boating voyage, Hoggish Greedly and Verminous Skumm land on the Galapagos Islands after Greedly accidentally knocks a toxin over Skumm's rats, causing them to grow and mutate form. They find some endangered Galapagos tortoise eggs, and plan to use them for food. The Planeteers, sent by Gaia to a museum with a camera-operated robot called JASON which can explore anywhere, see the two poaching and fly out to stop it. They have to defeat Greedly, Skumm, and the mutant rats, and even Captain Planet has to get past their supply of toxins in order to help.
5.9 /10

Tue, Jan 07, 1992
After rescuing George, a miner whose leg is caught in an area under construction, the Planeteers are horrified to see how strip-mining is used for finding minerals, proving disastrous to the environment and dangerous for people. They investigate the mine and find that while Hoggish Greedly is in charge, he is actually working under the mine's owner, Sky Runner, a Native American musician Gi and Linka like who is supposed to be an environmentalist. They go to meet him and learn that strip-mining wasn't his idea, and he goes to confront Greedly. He is kidnapped along with George, whom Greedly knew saw the Planeteers, and they are sent in a cart down the shaft where they will most likely be hurt and unable to get out again to stop him. The Planeteers must help, despite the threat to themselves and their powers the explosives pose.
5.4 /10
The Blue Car Line
An Australian town has an extreme amount of air-pollution, despite its excellent subway system, the Blue Car Line. The Planeteers go to investigate and meet a local journalist, Sam, who is also trying to figure out why nobody is riding the metro. There have been claims of disappearances, though no missing-person reports, while some cars vanish and the ones that operate see appearances by what look like phantoms and go for crazy roller-coaster rides on hidden tracks. Kwame and Wheeler sneak back to walk through the tunnels, and discover that Looten Plunder has monopolized most transportation-services in town except the Blue Car Line, which he wants to see shut down so he can build an expensive highway in its place. But they discover this because they are captured, and the other Planeteers and Sam have to try to free them...and keep Plunder from preventing anyone from hearing the story so he can go on with his construction that will cause even more damage.
5.6 /10
Birds of a Feather
Linka and Ma-Ti go to visit his ornithologist friend Juan in Central America, and explore a valley of many birds with Juan's parrot, El Profesor. However, he and all the other birds end up following a bird that is actually Hoggish Greedly's robot to lure them into his trap for smuggling them off. When they attempt to free the birds, Ma-Ti and Linka are captured, and Ma-Ti strikes his head against a pole so finds it too painful to contact the others. The other Planeteers hear that they are missing so go after them, and El Profesor escapes and is able to let the others know who is behind their disappearance, but they have no way to be warned about a trap Greedly is preparing for them. They must figure out how to avoid being caught, free the others, and stop Greedly's escape to continue illegally selling birds.
6 /10
Summit to Save Earth: Part 1
Zarm joins forces with Hoggish Greedly, Looten Plunder, Sly Sludge, Duke Nukem, Verminous Skumm, and Dr. Blight. Zarm tricks the Planeteers into giving up their rings and zaps Gaia into human form, aging her and destroying the planet.
6.2 /10
Summit to Save Earth: Part 2
The Planeteers break from Zarm's ship as 10 years have passed. They hurry to find Commander Clash before Gaia ages into dust. When they find him, the Planeteers and Commander Clash are defeated.
5.7 /10
Losing Game

Fri, Feb 21, 1992
Kwame takes the Planeteers to Africa to meet Dr. Mabutu, who is experiencing trouble on his game ranch. The trouble is Dr. Blight's experiments that turn ordinary cattle into "raging bulls", which threaten to destroy the entire region.
5.5 /10
A Twist of Fate
Vacationing in Mexico City with the other Planeteers, Wheeler is put off by the many lower-classmen he sees. But when an earthquake strikes, they go north to Santa Teresa to rescue victims - and during an aftershock, Wheeler is knocked on the head by stone and, found and rescued by a couple moving to the city, awakens to find that he has amnesia. He hears Ma-Ti calling to him in his head but doesn't know his voice, so is suspected to be mad and flees the hospital he is left at. He falls in with Teresa, a young woman who attempted to be his guide earlier, and learns first-hand what it means to be poor. He has to deal with hunger, attacks from gang-members, and the unkindness of others who don't help them. But when Teresa is caught in a fire, the other Planeteers find it but know that they cannot extinguish it without Captain Planet...and Wheeler must recover in order to remember his friends so he can join them in summoning him and save Teresa.
4.7 /10
The Great Tree Heist
Hoggish Greedly uses a large machine to uproot trees from the ground and grind them at the same time so he can have a quick, easy supply of wood to sell furniture. The Planeteers arrive to see what is causing the destruction of forests that is believed to be a "flying saucer", with the help of Jenny, a local teen birdwatcher whom Wheeler finds attractive. They must fight Greedly's machine causing destruction for themselves and others...and they may have to do it alone, since when Captain Planet is caught and injured in the grinder while rescuing a nest of birds, he returns his powers to the Planeteers' rings, and does not come back when they try to call him.
5 /10
Scorched Earth

Fri, Mar 13, 1992
A roofless dictator decimates the land to fight the opposition, with total disregard to the environment and human life. But there is more to the story than meets the eye. The dictator is really an old foe of the Planeteers in disguise.
5.5 /10
Hate Canal

Fri, Mar 20, 1992
Venice's population is relocating due to its pollution and smog affecting the land and structures - but also because of a large mutated group of rats whose bites sicken their victims. The Planeteers arrive and meet a pathologist, Resa, attempting to find a cure for the disease they cause that her young relative Pietre is suffering, and learn through clues that Verminous Skumm is behind it. But it isn't until Ma-Ti is bitten, and badly suffers, that they learn that Skumm is doing it through a substance placed in processed cheese that causes the rats and whoever they attack to become infected by contaminated canal-water. Now they have to find a cure for the worsening patients and stop the rats from terrorizing the populace with the contamination they thrive on.
5.5 /10
Radiant Amazon

Fri, Mar 27, 1992
Sly Sludge and Duke Nukem dump toxic waste in the Amazon rain forest, imperiling Ma-Ti's village. Ma-Ti returns to the village with Planeteers and find it in flames. When they fail to stop the fire, Ma-Ti hunts the culprits alone.
5 /10
Fare Thee Whale
Looten Plunder leads a whaling operation with Dr. Blight aboard attempting to concoct the perfect poison, and the Planeteers are enraged to see that it is legal for him to kill whales with calves - as the Japanese whaler Masuyo would rather not do - simply because he claims that he is "experimenting whale-repellent". Masuyo's son Tykoshi fails to plead with his father not to hunt so resorts to stowing on the Whale-B-Gone ship, but is accidentally knocked overboard by one of Blight's beakers, and rescued by the Planeteers. They join forces to try and find evidence that they are actually illegally whaling for profit, but are under attack from harpoons, traps, and poisons to prevent any help Captain Planet may give them.
5.9 /10

Fri, Apr 10, 1992
In Kwame's nightmare, Blight and Skumm take over an alternate Earth by transforming kids into gang members. The other Planeteers are captured and transformed as well. Now it's up to Kwami to save them, and the entire world.
4.8 /10

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