Episode list

Carl's Car Wash

Carl's Big Adventure. Carl's Car Wash Mini-Movie
Uh-oh. Carl's Car Wash is not big enough to fit the large, dirty construction vehicles that have come for a good scrub-a-dub-dub. With the help of some old friends, Carl sets out on an adventure to make his car wash bigger and better than ever.
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Bubba's Big Rig

Tue, Aug 21, 2018
Oh no. Tacky tar is splattered all over Bubba's big rig. Can Carl clean it up and get Bubba back on the road again?
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Tracy's Tractor

Tue, Sep 04, 2018
While on her way to harvest some corn, Tracy's tractor goes out of control and spins circles in her cornfield, creating a corncob mess. Who can clean up her vehicle and get her back to her farm fast? Carl at Carl's Car Wash, of course.
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Dharma's Digger

Tue, Aug 28, 2018
Dhama's digger gets splashed with smelly sludge while digging deep at the top secret construction site. What a super duper mess. There's only one place in town that can make Dharma's digger squeaky clean - it's Carl's Car Wash, of course.
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Jack's Creepy Carriage
It's Halloween and Carl's Car Wash is visited by a creepy carriage driven by Mr. Jack O'Lantern. Jack would like Carl's help in making his carriage SPOOKLING for tonight's festivities.
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Cecil's Cement Truck
Uh-oh. Cecil's cement mixer slips into a bed of cement at the top secret construction site. Can Carl of Carl's Car Wash make Cecil's vehicle all spic-and-span before the cement sets? He sure can.
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Horace's Hovercraft
Horace has a need for speed, and now his hovercraft is a huge, swampy mess. Can Carl's Car Wash help Horace's hovercraft sparkle and shine once again? Let's hope so.
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Florence's Forklift
Yikes. Florence's Forklift bumps into Bolton's Bulldozer and now her vehicle is a sticky, soda-y mess. Can Carl's Car Wash freshen her up? Of course.
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The Hedgehog's Motorcycles
Morghan, Morgan, and Eugene, members of the Hedgehogs Motorcycle Club, are out on a joyride when their motorcycles hit an oil slick. Time to go to Carl's Car Wash. Can he clean them up and get them out on the open road again? You betcha.
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Bolton's Bulldozer
Uh-oh. Bolton's bulldozer gets gobbed with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He's got to get to Carl's Car Wash to get all cleaned up. Can Carl make his vehicle sparkle so he can finish work on the top secret construction site? Let's watch and see.
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Opening Day

Thu, Apr 18, 2019
It's Opening Day at the top secret construction site across from Carl's Car Wash. Carl will finally get to see what was built. But first, he has to get Brunhilda the Bus Driver's dirty bus clean. Then, it's time to get to the construction site. What's the big surprise? Watch and see.
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Monty's Monster Truck
Monty the monster truck driver is about to do his big grand finale jump when his truck gets all messy. He can't do his grand finale jump with a dirty truck. Can Carl's Car Wash clean him up quickly so he can perform his craziest stunt of all? And what does Monty jump over? Watch and find out.
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Ace's Airplane

Thu, Apr 25, 2019
Ace the skywriting airplane pilot soars right through a letter which covers his entire plane in paint. Time to touch down at Carl's Car Wash. Can Carl give his airplane a good scrub-a-dub-dub and get Ace flying high again? Watch and find out.
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Sarah's Snow Plow
Brrr. A big blizzard has hit town and Sarah's snow plow is frozen stuck. Can Carl's Car Wash warm up her vehicle and help Sarah clear the roads? Let's watch and see.
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Little Billy's Skateboard
After a chase between Officer Oona and the Bubblegum Bandit, little Billy's skateboard becomes a gummy mess. Will Carl let Billy's sticky skateboard go through the Car Wash? It's a CAR wash, not a SKATEBOARD wash after all. Watch and see.
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Raina's Racecar
Oh no. Raina the race car driver is in the middle of the race when a cheesy snack splats all over her windshield. Can Carl's Car Wash clean Raina's vehicle in time to get her back to the race and win? Let's watch and see.
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Steve's Street Sweeper
Steve is thrilled to sweep up a big garbage pile with his street sweeper...until it splatters all over his truck. Can Carl's Car Wash clean Steve's vehicle and help him get back to keeping the streets clean? Let's watch and see.
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Amelia's Mail Truck
A friendly dog gets muddy paw prints all over Amelia's mail truck. Can Carl's Car Wash clean Amelia's vehicle before she goes back to the post office? Let's watch and see.
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Flavio's Flying Machine
Flavio's flying machine flaps a fowl into a flock of geese. Before the inventor can fly again, he will have to get all the feathers cleaned off at Carl's Car Wash. Can Carl clean Flavio's flying machine and get him back soaring in the sky? Let's watch and see.
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Felix's Fire Truck
After fighting a ferocious fire, Felix's fire truck gets covered in sooty smoke stains. Can Carl's Car Wash make Felix's fire truck shiny and red again? Let's watch and see.
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Amber's Ambulance
Oh no. The Glob isn't just a movie monster, it's real. And it globbed Amber's ambulance, making it wobble. Can Carl clean Amber's ambulance so she can help the town? Watch and see.
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Trey's Train

Tue, May 05, 2020
Chugga-chugga-CHOO-CHOO. When Trey's train is covered in pine cones that make him sneeze, he'll have to change tracks to Carl's Car Wash. Can Carl clean a train in a car wash? Let's watch and see.
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Bob and Babs' Secret Agent Car
The truth is out there: messy cars need cleaning. When Secret Agents Bob and Babs get their high tech secret agent car covered in strawberry milkshake, their mission, that they choose to accept, is to visit Carl's Car Wash. Can Carl clean their vehicle so they can get back to finding aliens? Let's watch and see.
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