D.B. Russell joins the team as the new Director of Next Generation Forensics while they investigate a case of burglary and homicide committed by someone who hacked the home's security system.
When a hacker takes control of all networked medical devices at a hospital in Dallas and threatens to kill one patient every hour if his demands are not met, the Cyber team must find the source and figure out how they accessed an airtight security system.
When a woman is murdered during a video chat with her parents, Avery's skills are put to the test as she interviews the only other witness, an agoraphobic neighbor with PTSD from the incident.
An innocent bystander is killed when ATMs spew money into the street, so the Cyber team investigate a bank heist being orchestrated by a cyber Robin Hood.
An airborne computer virus is infecting cell phones and the team must find the hacker responsible, while D.B. meets a woman who sent him a text by mistake.
The Cyber team searches for the hacker responsible for the largest breach of highly classified data in history when millions of federal employee files are stolen.