Episode list

Darkwing Duck

Monsters R Us

Fri, Sep 11, 1992
Morgana introduces Darkwing to her relatives - who are upset to find out that she is dating a normal, non-magical person.
7.4 /10
Inherit the Wimp
Gosalyn uses a time machine to bring some of Darkwing's ancestors to the present for a school report. Unfortunately, they aren't all the heroes Darkwing believed them to be.
7.4 /10
Star Crossed Circuits
At first being excited with the D-2000 supercomputer, Darkwing wants the machine gone when it falls in love with him. Meanwhile Launchpad feels replaced as a sidekick and Gosalyn is fed up with not getting away with anything.
7.4 /10

Fri, Oct 09, 1992
After F.O.W.L. found his body and turned him into a cyborg, Taurus Bulba wanted revenge on Darkwing.
8.1 /10
The Frequency Fiends
Gosalyn multiplies after a hit from Darkwing's new weapon. The three new Gosalynes have different superpowers: The red one can manipulate heatwaves, the yellow one lightwaves and the green one radiowaves.
7.4 /10
Paint Misbehavin'
While Darkwing is the guest of honor at a comic book convention, Splatter Phoenix terrorizes the town by "improving" boring art.
7.5 /10
Hot Spells

Fri, Oct 30, 1992
Darkwing and Gosalyn go with Morgana to her old magic school, where she is to present her thesis paper. Gosalyn tries to find a shortcut to learning magic.
7.3 /10
Fraudcast News

Fri, Nov 06, 1992
Darkwing Duck is followed by a news reporter, who wants to film his heroics. But the reporter thinks that Darkwing's cases are too boring. To spice things up, the news reporter dresses up like a villain and fights Darkwing.
7.3 /10
Mutancy on the Bouncey
The three way battle among the Rubber Chicken, Cement-head and Darkwing Duck is covered by Gosalyn for her school newspaper.
7.3 /10
Extinct Possibility
After Darkwing, Launchpad and Gosalyn are sent back to the Jurassic area, Johnny T Rex challenges them to a drag race.
7.2 /10
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