Kenny Powers heads to Mexico to lick his wounds and start a new, more anonymous life. Befriended by a neighboring Mexican family and a sultry bar singer named Vida, Kenny emerges from "the darkest hole I've ever been in" by planning a comeback.
Charros owner Sebastian Cisneros agrees to pull out all the stops in promoting Kenny Powers' return to organized baseball, but Kenny loses motivation after learning a secret about April from an old friend.
Puzzled by the Mexican fans' lukewarm reception, Kenny starts a grassroots PR campaign to burnish his image, but it takes a vintage Powers flare-up to bring the crowd to its feet. Kenny makes inroads with Vida by inviting her to Sebastian's yacht party.
Though Charros fans respond to Kenny, he is warned by Roger about the perils of showboating. Kenny learns he has serious competition in his courtship of Vida.