The Brand New Exciting Circus!
Blitz saw a TV commercial About a New Circus In town, Which Copied everything Rifilons Diner had So Blitz Hired Ed And Cope to shut that shit down.
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Seeking Revenge

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Robot Rifilon, Seeks Revenge on Creative for killing him, but things went a little to out of control.
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Rifilon's Insane Murder Bash
After Robot Rifilon Killed Creative, he went insane and Went on a murder Bash, While Ed And Cope were Going on they're own little adventure.
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Cope Calls Shotgun!
Rifilon went very insane and started Controlling all the other Rifilon And Blitz Robots, And Cope Finds A shotgun and try's to Kill All the robots.
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