Episode list

Geordie Shore

New Additions

Mon, Jan 30, 2012
They may be back in Newcastle, but it's all change for Geordie Shore; Greg has left to find true love, Vicky and Sophie have pledged chastity to their new boyfriends, Gary promises Charlotte's Mum that he won't, Charlotte promises to do the ironing for a year if she does and James is nurturing a worldie-magnet comb-over. But with two new housemates ready to join the family, peace isn't set to last.
6.9 /10
You Can't Help Your Feelings
Vicky and Ricci fall for each other, James struggles to neck on and Jay and Gary fight over Rebecca. But that's nothing when the house is rocked as Gary's nocturnal habits push Charlotte over the edge.
6.7 /10
James Needs To Score
There's no time for the house to mourn Charlotte's departure as Vicky and Ricci's nocturnal spooning is interrupted by an unexpected visitor. Rebecca and Jay are still flirting outrageously whilst Gary and James are quick to get their kit off. Sophie has her heart broken and Holly is left reeling as James has the night of his life.
6.7 /10
We Miss You Charlotte
James continues his lucky streak with the ladies unlike unlucky in love Sophie who is played for a mug. Gary persuades Charlotte to return... but has she managed to get over him as she hoped? Rebecca lays her cards on the table with Jay, and Ricci and Vicky take things to the next level. After a big night out, Holly finally summons the courage to make a play for her man - but does she get what she wants?
6.8 /10
The Party Is Ruined
The 'cheer us all up' party ends in carnage as Charlotte tries to move on and the boys exchange blows. Vicky and Ricci make their relationship official with jaw dropping consequences.
6.9 /10
The Girls Go To Far
Disastrous consequences for Ricci and Gary rock the Geordie Shore house leaving Vicky and Charlotte stunned. Picking up the pieces, Sophie has a difficult decision to make whilst Charlotte learns Gaz's true feelings for her. With Jay and James about to have the night of their lives, the girls set off on a road trip tackling a colonic, Geordie Style, with it all ending in tears before bedtime. But Jay and James have other plans for bedtime.
6.5 /10
The Truth Is Revealed
The honeymoon period is over as Vicky and Ricci split. Rebecca reveals her secret party trick, much to Jay's delight whilst Gary comes clean with Charlotte. Holly's Mum and Gaz' Dad make an appearance and the whole house falls out when the girl's jealous rage causes the boys to react. The house is at war once more.
6.6 /10
We Are Family After All
With only days to go until the end of the present series, hardly any relationships are left intact. Vicky and Ricci doggedly move on, Sophie gets dumped and Jay leaves an unpleasant taste in RebeccaÂ's mouth. But itÂ's not long before most of them have made up as only they know how.
6.7 /10
All Access

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Newcastle's finest are back for a new series of Geordie Shore. This time they have a brand new house. Sophie, James and new lass Rebecca give you an access all areas tour of their brand new crib.
6.3 /10

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