Episode list

Konak kod Hilmije

Suche nach Haggada aus Sarajevo
Hilmija runs into Radovan, an acquaintance from WWI. Kresimir also meets Radovan, but with worse consequences. Rahela reveals Hagada to Hilmija, but he already has a deal with Kresimir.
9.3 /10
Heinrich Himmlers Ankunft
Hilmija is afraid someone is going to steal Hagada. Radovan can't leave the inn because of Nazis. Shiling wishes for Partisans to attack, so he doesn't get sent to the Eastern front.
9.1 /10
Ohne Kultur gibt es keine Revolution
Rugoba steals Hagada, but it doesn't go as planned. The partisan command wants Hilmija to get photographic evidence of Shiling's homosexuality. Mustafa Busuladzic wants to pay big money for Hagada.
9.6 /10
Großer Immobilienabverkauf
Hilmija wants to help Rahela with her new identity. Ranka sways Nazi sympathizer Izet to run away with Partisans, while Valter wants Hilmija to sell his inn.
9.7 /10
Der Prinz hat sich in die Hosen gemacht.
Hilmija wants to leave with Rahela, but she's hiding something. Azra plans to steal Shiling's Hagada, but he's prepared. Rugoba leaves supposed Karadjordjevic heir to Hilmija for safe keeping.
9.7 /10
Deutsche Offensive am bosnischen Fluss.
Hilmija gets a messenger pigeon, which gets him into some trouble. Shiling prepares to go to Sutjeska. Portugalac and Valter fight over Davorjanka, Tito's lover. Hilmija's and Ana's business arrangement sways Rahela.
8.9 /10
Domino Turnier und Reizwäsche
Portugalac, still depressed about Davorjanka, is sent on an assassination assignment. Mustafa has a plan to find the pigeon's owner. Kresimir and Hilmija team up for a domino playing competition.
9 /10
Ankunft der amerikanischen Delegation
Hitler is about to visit Sarajevo, being concerned with the problem of homosexuality there. For this, Shiling plans a striptease show. Colonel Ford came to see whether America should support Partisans or Chetniks.
8.9 /10
Zwei Sekretärinen von SKOJ
Everything is ready for Hitler's arrival, but Davorjanka has an ominous plan. The guys digging the tunnel have finally done their part, but with mixed results. Colonel Ford doesn't have a hard time choosing who to support.
9.3 /10

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