This is the Last Canon Episode within Season 3. And there's a total of, 6 Canon Episodes, within Season 3. And so, 4 of the Episodes, are in fact, Non - Canon.
This Explains, why Lost on the Road comes to a end, and why Lost on the Road has continued for 5 Years. And goes into, the Possible Future for Lost on the Road. This is to be Archived, as a 4 Part Event.
Super T must face his enemy, Doctor R. Meanwhile, Hazel thinks about her Future, of becoming a Good Witch. And, Super T reunites with his Sidekick, Super Pretty BLOR.
This is when, Doctor R first met, Super T. He thought, she was a good Doctor. But, he was tricked, and he was locked in, Doctor R's Trap Room. So, that way her evil plan would work.
This is the Second to Final Episode, in the Series/Franchise. This wraps up, almost every story. Except for 1 as how, Doctor R captured Super T, in the First Place.
This is the Series Finale, and the ending to Lost on the Road, in Traditional Media, not including, Comic Books and Podcasts. This however, is not Super T, Doctor R, Super K or Super Pretty BLOR's Last Appearances however.
This is Part 1 of out 2 in "Jia the Futuristic Superhero: The Movie". This Episode originally had no Tune, before it was re-edited for "Jia the Futuristic Superhero: The Movie"
This is Part 2 of out 2 for, "Jia the Futuristic Superhero: The Movie". This is the First Episode with, "Jia the Futuristic Superhero Tune" as the previous had no tune Originally. These 2 Episodes were aired, as the Movie.
This is a 4D Adventure, and in 360. This deals with, Super T and others, facing Purple Sheriff. Though, Purple Sheriff is rarely seen. He is shown at the beginning, and at the End.
This is contains, the Magick Aspect of, Lost on the Road. Super T, knows, and cares for Super Pretty BLOR. She is, a Kind, Caring, Witch. And want What's Best, for him.