Episode list

Monster by Mistake

Tracy's Jacket

Sun, Sep 10, 2000
Bizarro - When their teacher picks Tracy's best friend Susan to be on the dance committee, Susan gets to work with Darryl, a guy who Tracy really likes. Tracy feels excluded and not as cool as either Susan or Darryl. She sees a leather jacket in a store window and begs her mom to buy it. When Roz balks at the price and refuses, Tracy makes her own jacket.
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Live from Pickford
Bizarro - Tracy's been reading about the Golden Otter, a legendary solid gold statue buried in the Pickford Cave. She's determined to find it and heads off to explore the Cave with Warren in tow. Warren, however, has other things on his mind. He hangs back, afraid, until Billy Castleman shows up, laughing and calling Warren a chicken.
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Soap Box Derby

Sun, Sep 24, 2000
Bizarro - Tracy and Warren are thrilled when they win a contest, sponsored by Pickford museum, which takes them on an archeological dig with the eccentric paleontologist, Dr. Herbert Fossel. However, they're dismayed when odious Wesley muscles his way on to the dig with him - his parents give mega bucks to Pickford museum and Wesley's come equipped with state-of-the-art digging tools.
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The Big Dig

Sun, Oct 01, 2000
Bizarro - "Warren's having a blast building his own soap box racing car until bratty rich kid Wesley Wiffington III comes along in his expensive imported racer and starts making fun of Warren's car. When Warren defends his model, claiming it's faster and lighter, Wesley challenges Warren to a race and Warren impulsively accepts .
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Sun, Oct 22, 2000
Bizarro - It's the school Science Fair and Tracy's determined to take home first prize with her volcano project. But when the new kid in school, Miranda, shows up with a homemade robot, Tracy decides to use a little magic to doctor-up her volcano. Unfortunately, one of the Jewel's blue bolts of lightening misses its target. To Tracy's horror, one of the TV vines comes alive!
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Johnny's Reunion
Bizarro - Johnny's been acting strange lately, getting in Warren and Tracy's way and sulking around the house. The kids aren't sure what's wrong with him... until Frankie and Louis, two of Johnny's ghostly old band mates, show up for Johnny's birthday party. Warren and Tracy are stunned - they didn't know it was Johnny's birthday. That explains his behaviour...
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Lights! Camera! Monster!
Bizarro - When Wesley gets money from his rich parents to make a "student film", all the kids want to audition for him. Susan's in her element, giving an over-the-top audition that nets her a small role, Miranda and Connor get roles as "extras", Tracy's brought on board as "special effects" technician and Billy becomes Wesley's DOP.
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