S2.E1 ∙ Full Metal Jacket with Senpai Sat, Jul 06, 2013 The girls learn something at a nursery school. 6.1 /10
S2.E2 ∙ We Were Soldiers with Senpai Sat, Jul 13, 2013 The school newspaper does an exposé of the tennis club. 6.3 /10
S2.E3 ∙ Transformers with Senpai Sat, Jul 20, 2013 A Google search that confuses 'camp' with 'combine' sends the girls to a strange place. 6 /10
S2.E4 ∙ Ping Pong with Senpai Sat, Jul 27, 2013 The girls play a "winner-take-what?" ping-pong match. 6.7 /10
S2.E5 ∙ Mars Attacks with Senpai Sat, Aug 03, 2013 The girls take a side trip to a dark place. 6.5 /10
S2.E7 ∙ Run Lola Run with Senpai Sat, Aug 17, 2013 It's a giant sports rally - with the typical rules. 6.5 /10
S2.E8 ∙ Cider House Rules with Senpai Sat, Aug 24, 2013 The club visits a farm. First task - cow stretching. 6 /10
S2.E9 ∙ Major League with Senpai Sat, Aug 31, 2013 The tennis court is torn up. The girls must win a baseball game to get it back. 6 /10
S2.E10 ∙ Field of Dreams with Senpai Sat, Sep 07, 2013 A baseball game with the tennis club, ringers, and something from the sky. 6.3 /10
S2.E11 ∙ ET with Senpai Sat, Sep 14, 2013 Marimo suspects that the alien that appears in her bedroom is a fake. 7 /10
S2.E13 ∙ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Senpai (OVA 1) Thu, Oct 24, 2013 Marimo goes to the dentist. 0 /10
S2.E14 ∙ Spirited Away with Senpai (OVA 2) Thu, Oct 24, 2013 Yuri stumbles upon a weird shrine. 0 /10