The evil scientist Dr. Amelia Chronos defeats the Mask and sends Stanley back in time, to the Salem Witch Trials. Stanley struggles to find the mask at the same location he did the first time.
Mayor Tilton recruits Colonel Beauregard Klaxon, a Southern businessman to create The Edge City Games after the Mask publicly humiliates him at the uncovering of the mayor's statue. Klaxon stores nuclear waste underneath the stadium where the Edge Games are played which results in the creation of a swamp monster.
The Mask is really in the shambles when he loses his lucky white feather hours before the Swedish karaoke contest at the Coco Bongo. Now the Mask has to avoid Kellaway and Doyle, as well as Mayor Tilton's ex-girlfriend, a performance artist, Walter and a mother eagle.
At the new mega-mall, Lonnie the Shark and his thugs rob a bank. Unfortunately Stanley is there but without the mask. It's up to Milo to bring it to him.
The villainous Channel Surfer intends to brainwash every citizen in town to watch his favorite TV show. He succeeds into trapping the Mask inside a television set.
Stanley finally submits to take out Mrs Peenman's niece, Jennifer. He discovers that Jennifer possesses an old amulet which transforms her by the moonlight turning into a monster named Gorgonzola who turns anything and everything into cheese.
The Mask has been challenged by the famous action movie star, Sly Eastenegger who will be the next action movie sensation. Peggy discovers that a nuclear bomb has been stolen and Eastenegger plans to use it in his action movie.
The Mask makes a trip to a Pacific island where he stumbles upon a tribe that worship him as a god. Little does he know that his subjects intend to sacrifice Stanley when he loses the mask.
A magician hypnotizes Stanley during the Fluff Ball. The magician is interrupted before he could reverse the spell by the partycrasher Kablamus. Now under a spell, Stanley is going to do Kablamus' bidding.
The Mask saves the president's life and is employed as the new bodyguard. However Greenfield, member of the president's staff has his doubts about that decision.
Lieutenant Kellaway is humiliated by the Mask during a police reality show. Kellaway is determined to prove to the entire police force including his visiting mother that he is a good detective.
A half-man, half-bee mutant known as The Stinger, who can control all bees but can't control his constant craving for honey plots to brainwash the entire population of Edge City to manufacture honey for him.
Stanley buys a love potion from a gypsy woman, named Madam Suspiria. She is after the Mask because it was a part of her family's magic. Stanley accidentally spills the potion on his landlady, Mrs. Peenman and falls in love with her.
The Mask is framed and put behind bars for stealing money from an orphan Little League team. The Mask has been set up by Pretorius, who finally will get to rule Edge City.
The Mask destroys the opening night of a new musical based on the "Mad Monkey", created by Sir Andrew Bedwetter, a famous Broadway musical director. The director is really ticked off when Stanley cuts his budget. To get revenge on the Mask, Bedwetter creates a new musical featuring the Mask's lifelong enemies.
Peggy Brandt's photographer quits after following The Mask's fight with the Terrible Two. Now Stanley gets the job. Skillit unleashes a gang of mythical creatures on Edge City. Peggy sees this as an opportunity to further her career.
The Mask jumps in time, more precisely into the 23rd century. He is after the robot, who ripped his trousers. Instead of finding the robot, the Mask ends up in a war between a megalomaniacal future mayor known as Government Guy and a team of rebels over the Mask.
The Mask and Lieutenant Kellaway become victims of a bomb explosion caused by The Phony Frenchman. The two victims' souls face a council of angels who review past events to see which one of them will get into Heaven. When Kellaway unmasks The Mask and sees once and for all that The Mask is Stanley Ipkiss, the angel council reveals a horrible secret about themselves too.
Stanley is accused of counterfeiting money because at the airport he picked up the luggage of the mysterious Selina Swint. Meanwhile Peggy is living her dream when she gets her hands on the mask and also trapping Lieutenant Kellaway into marriage.