Episode list

The Mind of a Chef


Fri, Sep 06, 2013
It is Sean Brock's mission in life to expose the world the regional varieties of Southern cuisine and to erase the misconception that southern cuisine is all the same. In this episode, Sean explores a few of the unique regional cuisines in the South. Sean explores the ever so painful ways of Prince's Hot Chicken. Chef John Currence makes tamales-you read it right...tamales. Tennessee Pastry Chef Lisa Donavan makes a buttermilk pie. Sean and fellow South Carolinians, the Lee Brothers, make deviled crab, before visiting Fishnet's Seafood outside of Charleston to enjoy their more wholesome version "Jesus crabs".
6.7 /10

Fri, Sep 13, 2013
It all began here when Sean Brock went looking for Jimmy Red Corn. That simple journey turned into a lifetime of searching, archiving and reviving lost crops of the South. His partners in crime are the legendary owner and operator of Anson Mills, Glen Roberts, and University of South Carolina professor, David Shields; a trifecta of seed nerds hell-bent on preserving Southern food heritage. In this episode, Sean makes Jimmy Red Corn Grits and a Chestnut Bread and Red Sive bean salad. David Shields visits Sean's R&D lab to experiment with seeds, and to tell the story of the Bradford Watermelon, a near extinct fruit with a delicious and deadly history.
7.1 /10

Fri, Sep 20, 2013
This episode is all about rice and its essential role in Southern cuisine. Sean Brock visits Anson Mills, where Glenn Roberts is blazing a trail to reintroduce the world to the Carolina Rice Kitchen. Carolina Gold rice was once the primary crop in South Carolina and sought after worldwide. Using animation and archival images, a timeline will highlight how the Civil War as well as changes in the agricultural economy caused Carolina Gold to all but disappear. Glenn is the reason for its resurrection and Sean is its biggest champion. In the fields at Anson Mills, Sean and Glen prepare an Appalachian classic, perlou. And in Nashville, Sean makes Hoppin' John and Chef Ed Lee shows Sean how to make Korean BBQ.
7.1 /10

Fri, Sep 27, 2013
This episode focuses on the heavy influence Louisianan cuisine has on Sean Brock. Historian and food-writer John T Edge of the Southern Food Alliance takes Sean to his "favorite place on Earth", Middendorf's Restaurant, where they shave thin slices of catfish into the fryer to create a catfish chip. In the kitchen, Sean makes a gumbo and his version of the catfish chip. Chef Donald Link takes Sean frogging then cooks up a frog dish.
6.4 /10

Fri, Oct 04, 2013
Sean Brock often describes how his family ate growing up this way: "If we were eating, we were eating food from the garden or the basement-it's a way of life." In this episode, Sean shows us what it means to be eating from the basement by exploring and utilizing the preservation techniques that are critical components to southern culture: drying, salt curing, canning, and fermentation.
7.1 /10

Fri, Oct 11, 2013
Many chefs have their first exposure to cooking at a young age. For Sean Brock, who was born and raised in rural Virginia, it was the experience of his family growing their own food that left a deep impression. In this episode, Sean explores his roots, prepares a typical Appalachian dinner, cooks chicken and dumplings with his mom, throws down with chef Joseph Lenn at Blackberry Farms, and learns how to make fried okra and country ham on the farm.
6.6 /10
Lowcountry BBQ

Fri, Oct 18, 2013
In this episode, Sean Brock highlights both the people and food of the Lowcountry by preparing an epic outdoor feast on his friend's farm. Legendary pit-master Rodney Scott spends the day roasting a whole pig, Steven Satterfield makes Savannah Red Rice, and to finish off the feast, Sean prepares Frogmore stew made from the bounty of the Charleston bay.
7.4 /10

Fri, Oct 25, 2013
The history of southern cuisine is incomplete without understanding how West Africa influenced the cultural heritage and ingredients of America. In this episode, Chef Sean Brock travels to Senegal to meet with friend, Fatimata Ly. Together they explore the markets of Dakar and M'Bour, cook the traditional Sengalese dish Theibou Yapp, and search for the connection to American cuisines through techniques and flavors used by the locals.
6.9 /10

Wed, Oct 30, 2013
Travel with Chef April Bloomfield to London, where her cooking career began.
6.5 /10

Wed, Nov 06, 2013
Focus on April's love of the sea, which is deep and fully realized.
6.5 /10

Wed, Nov 13, 2013
Explore the origins of curry and England's versions of this historic cuisine.
7.2 /10

Wed, Nov 20, 2013
Explore April Bloomfield's deep love for Italian cuisine and its influence on her cooking.
6.6 /10
British Classics
Review some of the signature dishes of UK cuisine: bangers and mash, fish-n-chips, and pies.
6.9 /10

Wed, Dec 04, 2013
Travel to Cornwall with April, who visits farmer and chef Tom Adams on his pig farm.
6.7 /10

Wed, Dec 11, 2013
Find out why "nasty bits" deserve to be on the kitchen table.
6.7 /10

Wed, Dec 18, 2013
Follow April Bloomfield as she wrestles with the questions every chef has to confront.
6.4 /10

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