Episode #20.1

Mon, Sep 17, 2012
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad laments Canada's sudden breakup with Iran, Don Cherry takes shots at NHL lockout, Mrs Enid ponders 50 Shades of Grey, and 'average Canadian' tries to recollect War of 1812.
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Episode #20.2

Mon, Sep 24, 2012
Storage Wars Toronto discovers 'priceless' impacts from NHL Lockout, guests of Last Supper have an unexpected interruption.
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Episode #20.3

Mon, Oct 01, 2012
Mary Walsh returns as her beloved characters to weigh-in on Rona Ambrose controversy.
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Episode #20.4

Mon, Oct 08, 2012
Canadian acting icon, William Shatner, shares public speaking tips for Justin Trudeau and we give Justin Trudeau's Liberal leadership speech is given a auto-tune remix.
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Episode #20.5

Mon, Oct 15, 2012
This 30s firefighting film has lots of footage about the Boston fire department and footage of various fires around the world as well as what's in a fire chief's car. Producer: N/A. Sponsor: Stillman. Year: N/A. Length: 00:12:59. Audio: Silent. Color: BLACK & WHITE
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Episode #20.6

Mon, Oct 29, 2012
Mark Critch battles REAL Barry Weiss over a storage unit stuffed with Canadian content.
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Episode #20.7

Mon, Nov 05, 2012
America Votes, Canada Watches - Don Cherry gives 110% with his game-day commentary of Republicans versus Democrats.
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Episode #20.8

Mon, Nov 12, 2012
Jian Ghomeshi appears on 22 Minutes as guest host; famous illusionist, David Blaine.
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Episode #20.9

Mon, Nov 26, 2012
22 Minutes catches Bond fever when a real 007 turns up from retirement to guest in 22 Minutes Bond film remake.
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Episode #20.10
22 Minutes travels to Ontario to participate in Don Cherry's new walking tour of Kingston.
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Episode #20.11
Join 22 Minutes cast for holiday fun with guest appearances from original cast members, Mary Walsh and Greg Thomey.
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Episode #20.14
News of declining sales at Hooters is forcing restaurant chain to rebrand to attract a broader clientele.
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Episode #20.15
Outgoing liberal leader, Bob Rae, receives comic tribute; former Blue Jay, Jose Canseco, shares details of his Toronto mayoral bid; and, Canada offers a potential contender for Pope.
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Episode #20.16
Outgoing liberal leader, Bob Rae, receives comic tribute; former Blue Jay, Jose Canseco, shares details of his Toronto mayoral bid; and, Canada offers a potential contender for Pope.
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Episode #20.17
The Vinyl Cafe's Stuart McLean takes on Nickelback and Hockey Night in Canada and real housewife Mary Zilba drops in on her not-so-glamorous cousin.
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Episode #20.18
Murdoch Mysteries' Yannick Bisson joins 22 cast as guest host, Mark Critch rolls up rim directly from Tim Horton's Ontario coffee roastery, and Shaun Majumder reports from inside red carpet at new Canadian Screen Awards.
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Episode #20.19
Mark Critch hits it out of park at Blue Jays spring training camp; surprise home visits by EI auditors inspire a new Canadian reality show PEI-EI-PIs; and, Commander Hadfield.
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Episode #20.20
22 Minutes reacts to new federal budget, makes a house call to Thomas Mulcair at Stornoway, and enlists help of "Captain 22" for a report from Toronto comic book convention.
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Episode #20.21
Bob Rae sings his goodbyes, Don Cherry refuses to have his kisses denied and we predict summer news in 22 Minutes season finale.
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