Episode list

Digimon Tamers

8.6 /10
8.5 /10
Kessen! Dukemon Tai Beelzebumon
Sat, Dec 08, 2001
  • S3.E36
  • Kessen! Dukemon Tai Beelzebumon
8.4 /10
Kurukkuruun! Culumon to Asobo!
Forbidden to digivolve, Terriermon is being cornered by Gorillamon's powerful attack. However Henry has the tact to produce Digi-Modify and it turns the tide.
7.4 /10
Utsukushiki Shinka! Gekkou ni Mau Taomon
Rika is having a hard time with her mother, who makes Rika attend a photo session with her. Meanwhile, Renamon has been acting distant and it turns out that she has been meeting with Vajramon, who apparently survived the Tamers' previous battle with them. When Renamon reveals that she has been using Vajramon only to obtain information, the Deva becomes outraged and the Tamers fight him in a second battle. The Deva is defeated when Kyubimon Matrix Digivolves into her ultimate form, Taomon.
8 /10
Shousekai! Kaze no Tsuyoi Tani no Jijimon Babamon
Blown far away from the other Tamers, Rika and the others meet the married couple Jijimon and Babamon. The two feed and leave the Tamers with a place to stay while the wind in the village dies down. Kazu and Kenta, desperate for Digimon partners, ask Babamon and Jijimon to be their partners. Rika and Renamon make a kite to take advantage of the winds. Along with Kazu and Kenta, the separated Tamers fly off in hopes of being reunited with the others.
6.8 /10
Impmon Shinka! Maou Beelzebumon no Senritsu
While searching for Rika and the others, Takato, Jeri and Henry come across a village full of Chuchidarumon. The motorcycle, Behemoth, rampages throughout the village. Impmon encounters Chatsuramon, the Dog Deva and he offers to help Impmon digivolve. Seeking strength, Impmon relunctantly agrees to obey the sovereign and digivolves into Beelzemon. Beelzemon emerges in the village and takes control of Behemoth, riding off into the desert.
7.5 /10
Koko wa Yuurei no Shiro! Mayoeru Culumon Daidasshutsu
Rika, Kazu and Kenta get sucked into yet another data stream and end up in a weird location. While fending off an attack from a Megadramon, Cyberdramon appears and destroys it. Then they meet Ryo Akiyama. Meanwhile, Takato and the others get sucked into another dimension.
7.5 /10
Digital World kara no Kikyuu Renraku, Culumon ga...
Takato and the others meet up with Ryo, Kazu and Kenta in yet another strange area. Rika goes off by herself and Calumon searches for everyone. When Takato and the others make it out of the strange area, they find Makuramon along with Majiramon, the Dragon Deva closing in on Calumon. With the help of Cyberdramon and Ryo's Goliath card, Majiramon is destroyed. Ryo goes off to control Cyberdramon and wishes the others luck in finding Calumon.
7.7 /10
Guardromon to no Yuujou! Boku mo Tatakau Tamer Hirokazu
While Takato and the others continue their search for Rika, Guilmon picks up Calumon's scent. Meanwhile, Beelzemon, still searching for the Tamers, come across a bunch of Chrysalimon. Wanting to test his power, he destroys a number of them before the remaining ones digivolve into an Infermon thanks to an unintentional boost by Calumon. Beelzemon defeats the Infermon and absorbs its data, satisfied with his new-found strength. After an encounter with the Digi Gnomes, Rika and Calumon are reunited with the others. Things get bad though when Beelzemon shows up, ready to fight the Tamers. Then things get worse when the Juggernaut program starts up again, with Beelzemon retreating and Henry and Takato are blown into a data stream. Catsuramon then appears and kidnaps Calumon.
7.2 /10
Guilmon Tanjou no Nazo! Shinpi Naru Water Space
Rika and the others encounter an Andromon who's fighting a snake Digimon called Orochimon who's been terrorizing a bunch of Gekomon to make it milkshakes. The Tamers decide to help Andromon defeat Orochimon, but after a hard battle, Andromon de-digivolves into Guardromon. Orochimon is finally defeated when Jeri uses a LadyDevimon card on Leomon. When all is said and done, Kazu receives a Digivice and Guardromon becomes Kazu's partner. Meanwhile, Takato and Henry are still falling through the data stream leaving Guilmon to worry about Takato with Rika and the others.
7.3 /10
Sono Na wa Dukemon! Shin Naru Kyuukyoku Shinka
Henry's younger sister, Suzie Wong, arrives in the Digital World and quickly meets Antylamon, the Rabbit Deva Digimon. As the two become friends Henry, Takato and Terriermon track her down. But then Antylamon degenerates to Lopmon and becomes Suzie's partner.
8.2 /10
Kikan Real World e!
In front of Takato and friends in DigiWorld appear the ship called Ark sent by Henry's father and staff in co-operation with people all over the world. They have no time to lose. In order to go back to the real world, they rush on board except Rika and Renamon who have been away looking for Impmon.
7.6 /10
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