Pepe loses his brand new rocket in the woods. Elliot is excited about the tropical island vacation he's been planning all year - until he twists his ankle!
Manny and the Tools join Mr. Lopart and Fluffy on their first sailing expedition. Manny and the Tools see Pepe trying to sell drinks at his agua fresca stand.
During a trip to the seashore, Manny and the Tools help a beached whale return to the ocean. Manny and the Tools discover Senor Sanchez's granddaughter has a loose tooth.
When the Tools get together to play music, Flicker wants to join in on the fun! Manny and the Tools go to Paulette's Pizza Palace to fix an automatic pizza rolling machine.
Manny suggests having a picnic barbeque at Lake Nochanailin.When Mrs. Portillo's kitchen doors are stuck open and flies are getting in, Manny and the Tools come to the rescue.
On his way to a horse show, Francisco experiences a flat tire on Estrella's trailer. When a drawbridge gets stuck, Manny must help the operator fix it to get traffic moving.
While fixing a wooden rocking horse, the Tools discuss what their dreams would be. As Mayor Rosa's chimney falls apart, the team tries to think of an environmental friendly fix.
Manny and Elliot team up to enter the Wood Valley 500 car race. But when Elliot's not ready to take the wheel, Manny must put his driving skills to the test.
Manny and the Tools need to find a project for the Sheet Rock Hills Earth Day Challenge. When the Mayor's nephew reveals he can't dance, Elliot tries to teach him.
While on a whale watching tour, Manny and the Tools must fix a broken signal buoy before the fog rolls in. Manny and the Tools build a birdhouse in Mrs. Portillo's backyard.
Manny and the Tools are asked to install a special light at the mini golf course to help Miguel. Manny suggests having a picnic barbeque at Lake Nochanailin.
Manny and the Tools fix a vent to keep a bunny from hopping into Mr. Singh's basement. To help Fast Eddie carry his many items, Manny and the Tools add a basket to his scooter.
Story Hour: Lightning knocks out power at the library. Long John Lopart: Mr. Lopart pretends to be his pirate cousin, Long John, to ask for Manny's help.
Leela's Birthday Party: The tools keep everyone happy when Fluffy breaks the bounce house at Leela's birthday party. Abuelito's Lawn Mower: Abuelito's lawn mower breaks, but it's so old they don't have the right parts to fix it.
Manny and the tools gather toys for charity, and help the Ayala family fix their house decorations. / Manny and the tools install a special light for Peggy at the mini golf course, to help Miguel who is hearing-impaired.
Renaldo wants to build a fence to keep his dog from getting into his neighbor's yard. Before the Butterfly Conservatory's grand opening, Rusty accidentally lets a butterfly escape.
Manny and the Tools help Carmela hang art in time for the school art show. Manny and the Tools are stumped about what to contribute to the Sheet Rock Hills time capsule.
After returning from a hike, Manny and the Tools discover damage to their truck. They meet another team of talking tools and their retiring owner who can help!
Manny and the Tools discover the park fountain has stopped working because of litter. Manny and the Tools learn Julieta can't have her own garden because she doesn't have a yard.
Manny and the Tools see that Quinn is glued to the TV and hasn't gone outside all day. Manny's friend Francisco invites Manny and the Tools to a Cowboy Cookout.
Beach Clean Up: Manny and the tools participate in a clean up day at the beach. Root Damage: Manny and the tools fix a sidewalk that was damaged by a tree root.
As the rest of the Tools eat a healthy breakfast, Felipe wants to get ready for their build later in the day. Manny and the Tools fix a broken pinsetter at the bowling alley.
Manny's asked to build a special table for a dinner party. When the Lees' grandmother comes to live with the family, Kevin and Nelson need to share a bedroom.
The Tools discover a spaceship with a visitor from another planet. Manny and the tools help Mrs. Lee build a spooky haunted house for her Halloween display.
When Fixit short circuits in the rain, the rest of the Tools do whatever it takes to fix her. When Carmela's kiln breaks, Manny must fix it in time for her pottery class.
Mr. Ayala needs help getting the goal up in time for his son's soccer team's practice. Manny finds a way for everyone on the winning bowling team to enjoy their trophy.
While repairing the roof of a henhouse, the Tools scare a mother hen away from her nest. When the Tools hear of a photo contest on the radio, they can't wait to enter.
Magic Marty waves his wand and grants Rusty's wish to see what it would be like to be fearless. While hiking, Manny and the Tools realize the water fountain is broken.
After a snowstorm, Manny and the Tools help Kelly get to her store. Manny and the Tools help put together Mrs. Alvarez's old dollhouse so she can give it to her daughter, Susanna.
While helping Abuelito redecorate his house, Pat gets discouraged because he can't tell his left from right. Mrs. Portillo's dog is nervous to see the vet!
Manny and the Tools quickly learn it takes many people to help make a wedding special and decide to do all they can for Abuelito's and Mrs. Portillo's wedding.
Manny and the tools take the automotive tools to visit Hank in Florida to celebrate his birthday. To get there in time for his birthday party they must repair boarding steps at the airport, and then enjoy their first-ever airplane ride. In Florida they fix a problem on Hank's boat to make sure he can get to his own birthday party.
During a photoshoot to advertise Kelly's store, Felipe is determined to make the shot! During a storm, somebody calls Manny, but the phone stops working. Who called Manny?
Manny decides to ask Kelly to go with him to Mrs. Portillo's annual Valentine's Day party, but when he keeps missing his chance, the Tools decide to help.