Episode list

Higglytown Heroes

Corn to Be Wild/Overnight Moose
It's the end of summer, and the Higgly kids are up to their ears in corn from helping GrandPop Crink harvest his corn field. After all the hard work the kids are ready to cool off at the 'Ol Swimmin' Hole that GrandPa Crink sings about with such revelry. While playing in the Swimming Hole the Kids hear a resounding boom in the distance, which later, they discover came from a huge boulder that fell from a mountain top. What's worse, the boulder is blocking the kids' way back home! The only hero bold enough to clear this double-size trouble is the Bulldozer Operartor. With the bolder cleared out of the way, everyone can make it to the big corn feast dinner waiting for them at the farm./ Uncle Lemmo takes the kids to Moosingham to see the Magnificant Moose Monument, carved on the side of a mountain. To get the kids excited, the Tour Guide sings them the story of Melissa the Moose. Just when the kids start to enjoy the things Moosingham has to offer, it begins to rain hard and what's worse is that they can't get home because the bridge on the way home is flooded. Already feeling homesick and worried that they won't have anywhere to sleep, the Moosingham Motel Manager invites them to sleep at her motel. As the lights go out in the motel room, Wayne plugs in his new Moose Monument night-light.
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Higgly Island

Sun, Sep 24, 2006
Unkle Zeke invites the Higgly Kids and family to Higgly Island for an adventurious vacation. In between all the fun Island activities, the kids discover a genuine native Higgly Island wooden crown, carved by the ancient Higgly Islanders. Though the crown brings a royal amount of entertainment to the kids, it also brings them a string of back luck. The only way to break the curse, according to the native Higglyhunes, is to kiss a whale, drink coconut milk and place the crown on top of King Hoppo's statue, located at the very top of a mountain. Though at first, breaking the curse is an ocean breeze, The Higgly gang run into trouble when the stairs leading to King Hoppo's statue crumble. To get back on top of things the gang calls for the help of our heroe, the Helicopter pilot. Finally, after being lifted to the mountain to break the curse, the gang lift their spirits with a celebratory Luau.
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Shuffleboard Buddies/All Mapped Out
Zooter and Mellie are teaching the Higgly kids how to play shuffleboard in preparation for a cruise line vacation they're all taking to Swiggly Swallow Island. Competion gets a little heated up when Zooter tries a little too hard to win the game which results in twisting himself out of alignment! The only way to straighten Zooter out in time for the vacation is to have a little therapy with the Physical Therapist Hero! Stretching, the Pysical Therapist reminds us, is a good way to start excercing, and a great way to start a vacation!/ The Higgly kids want to know how Pizza Guy finds his way around to so many places when he's delivering pizza. To explain, Pizza Guy gives the Higgly kids a history lesson in how Higglytown became to be! We flashback to the time of the settlers, who have a quirky likeness to our Higgly kids. Back then, the settlers blew on their Mogglyhorns to call on Butternut Squash Guy to deliver a healthy meal of butternutsquash. As Higglytown grew so did the demand for butternut squash. And so Butternutsquash guys needs the help of the Map Maker Hero to keep track of where everyone lives! Pizza Guy, just like Butternut Squash Guy, uses a map of Higglytown to make all his deliveries!
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The Big Pink Elephant Sale/Higglies on Horseback
The Big Pink Elephant Sale: The Higgly Kids are having a White Elephant sale at school to raise money for Janitor Jay's retirement present! Higglie's on Horseback: The Kids go to Grandpop Crink's farm for a horseback ride.
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Buki-Buki Boo Boo/Signs of Spring
All of Eubie's pet birds escape after a visiting Buki Buki birds crashes through the roof. With a little help from everyone all the pet birds are wrangled back together, even the Buki Buki bird helps Eubie get Flappy back! The only problem is there's still a hole in the roof and no one has the tools to fix it. The only person that can patch things up is the Roofer Hero./ Twinkle is a blooming poet and she is writing a poem about Higgyltown for the Poetry Share. Along the way, gathering inspiration from her Higglytown citizens, Twinkle and the kids meet Nacho Bruce who uses sign language to communicate. Nacho Bruce The next day at the Poetry Share,Twinkle realizes Nacho Bruce doesn't have anybody to sign with which means he won't know what she is saying in her poem. The only way to make sure everyone is included in the Poetry Share is with the help of the Sign Language Interpreter Hero! Not only does the Interpreter sign Twinkle's poem for Nacho Bruce, but he also interprets Nacho Bruce's poem for everyone. Now that's sharing!
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Choo Choo Zucchini/Something Ducky Going On
Choo Choo Zucchini: Only Freight Train Conductor can help the Higgly kids move their enormous squash to the county fair. Something Ducky Going On: Kip's grandparent's polka-dotted house is scaring the ducks! It's House Painter to the rescue!
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Easy to Get Sneezy/Unlock the Magic
Easy to Get Sneezy: Twinkle adorable new bunny, Fluffy, makes her sneeze. Unlock the Magic: The kids convince Pizza Guy to put on a magic show for the whole neighborhood.
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A Little Big Fish/Good Sports
Little Big Fish: Mellie and Zooter take the kids to the Higgissippi River for a day of fishing. Good Sports: Fran brings something new for the kids to play with - colored chalk!
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Wing-a-Ding Whirly Box/Windy Watchers
Wing-A-Ding Whirly Box: Wayne gets a Lunchcopter 3000 - a remote control whirlybird that doubles as a lunchbox! Windy Watchers: At Higgly Harbor high winds whip the waves into a frenzy and blow Pizza Guy and his boat out to sea!
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