Host Maude Landry and her guest Billy Tellier visit the Magdalen Islands. They discuss the importance of showing up in their art and that "It always pays to put yourself in danger in the world of humor".
Maude Landry welcomes Laurent Paquin, who with more than twenty-five years of experience knows what it takes to make people laugh. He is convinced that a good humorist should be able to entertain more than one type of audience.
Maude meets with François Bellefeuille to learn how we can use analysis to create a stand-up show that is funny to all audiences. "Finding the perfect gag is my favorite part of humor. "
Hughie Batherson, a Cape Breton comedian, proves to Maude that it's never too late to learn a new language and do comedy in that language. "Doing stand-up is scary, and then doing it in a language that is not yours, increases stress. "
Maude meets André Roy, comedian and producer of comedy shows, to learn one of his secrets to success. He doesn't sit and wait for the phone to ring. "It's important to manage not only your material, but your career as well. "
A pioneer in New Brunswick humor, Nathan Dimitroff, invites Maude to his hometown of Bathurst. "It's not easy to start a movement on your own. I'm glad I have friends who encourage me "
Martin Vachon helps Maude make her jokes more punchy. "My life is a business. I have to treat it like a hockey player who trains for a game in order to be successful "
Maude meets Guillaume Wagner, a comedian who not only works hard at his profession, but also gives his all to help others. "Even though we work alone, we still need connection. "
Mathieu Cyr explains to Maude the importance of being stable in a profession where you experience extreme ups and downs. "Humor is like a sport. You have an adrenaline rush. But you have to be able to have a balance. "
Maude meets Mélanie Couture to discuss the importance of having a curious nature in the world of humor. "I like it to present new perspectives in my humor. I like it to make the world think."
Eddy King shares his tips for writing comedy routines that are both entertaining and have a social impact. "You have to be flexible in life, otherwise you won't learn anything. "
Maude Landry is now at the end of her quest. It's time o take her place on the stage of the Cabaret Lion d'Or in Montreal, Quebec to test her new material in her one-woman-show. "Rock n 'roll. Carpe diem!"