Episode list


Vegas, Baby!

Wed, Sep 14, 2011
Nathan has gone to Las Vegas with his girlfriend Marnie and baby, Nathan Junior, with the express aim of using his super powers to defraud the casinos. Unfortunately, he gets caught and is led off to prison after making an unsuccessful phone call to Simon - or Barry as he calls him.
7.3 /10
Episode #3.1

Sat, Oct 29, 2011
Whilst Kelly has trouble convincing people of her new power, the skills of a rocket scientist and Curtis finds his new gift, the ability to change sex useful when pursued by the police, the group learns that Nathan has gone to Las Vegas to use his super-power to cheat the casinos. He is replaced in the team by ladies' man Rudy, an old flame of Alisha, who has the ability to twin himself - somewhat unwittingly - when stressed. This incurs the wrath of pick-up Tanya who believes he is two-timing her and who gets her revenge by killing Charlie, the girl she saw Rudy kissing, and framing him for the murder. Fortunately the second Rudy comes to the rescue after Tanya is accidentally killed and once more the misfits find themselves burying two bodies and hoping to get away with it.
7.3 /10
Episode #3.2

Sat, Nov 05, 2011
Banned from athletics for drug use Curtis sees the opportunity to still compete as his new gender swap identity Melissa, whilst falling for fellow runner Emma. Emma is bi-sexual and is drawn to both Curtis and his alter ego Melissa but, with only Simon let into the secret, Curtis/Melissa becomes the reluctant object of the sexual attentions of Shaun, Rudy and running coach Mark, who spikes Melissa's drink at a party and tries to rape her, getting a rude shock when Curtis returns. Eventually Curtis is forced to admit the truth to the other misfits and, having saved her from Mark's predatory actions, to Emma.
7.7 /10
Episode #3.3

Sat, Nov 12, 2011
In his alter ego as Super Hoodie Simon saves comic book fan Peter from a mugging. Later Peter recognizes his protector from his voice and the boys become friends, Simon explaining his destiny to become his future self by dying whilst saving Alisha. Peter, obsessed with his hero, uses his sinister gift to stop this - he draws cartoons in which the events come to pass in reality - and the pair have a climactic fight after Peter has abducted Alisha, though his comic strip reveals that he knew the outcome. Shaun meanwhile discovers Rudy's ability to clone himself whilst Kelly learns that Seth is still carrying a torch for the girlfriend whose death he caused when he was a drug dealer.
7.5 /10
Episode #3.4

Sat, Nov 19, 2011
Elderly Jew Friedrich Hirsch travels back to 1930s Berlin to kill Hitler but fails and the Nazis use his mobile phone technology which alters history so Germany wins the war and present day Britain is under Nazi control, and none of the misfits know each other. Kelly and Simon are reluctant conscripts whilst Shaun, with Alisha, his unwilling girlfriend, is right hand man to odious Captain Smith. Seth, his ability to give and take super powers an asset to the Nazis, is imprisoned but Kelly and the other misfits spring him, leading to a shoot-out.
7.3 /10
Episode #3.5

Sat, Nov 26, 2011
Kelly is accidentally body-swapped with a coma patient. Rudy gets anger management therapy.
7.2 /10
Episode #3.6

Sat, Dec 03, 2011
After a one night stand Rudy loses his most prized possession and begs Simon for help to get it back. Curtis's power malfunctions, trapping him as Melissa.
7.4 /10
Episode #3.7

Sat, Dec 10, 2011
Having relieved Curtis of the power to change sex Seth instils in him the power to reanimate the dead and bring his girlfriend back to life,as a result of which Seth dumps Kelly. After Curtis has brought back to life a dead cat which savages its owner the gang knows that something is wrong as the born again corpses have a taste for blood,attacking the living and turning them into rabid zombies,including a group of cheer leaders who are rehearsing in the Community Centre. Seth is forced to kill his girlfriend as she prepares to go for him,making him realise that he loves Kelly. Unfortunately the misfits have to kill the cheer-leaders to save themselves and,with them,yet another probation supervisor who was also infected.
8 /10
Episode #3.8

Sat, Dec 17, 2011
The misfits have to face the ghosts of people they killed after a medium brought them back.
8.1 /10

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