Known for his extreme beliefs on Christianity, socialist politics and racial equality, Jim Jones becomes infamous for leading a mass murder-suicide of over 900 of his followers in Jonestown, Guyana.
Former high-profile real estate tycoon Robert Durst first gains media attention with the disappearance of his wife in 1982, but his wife's body is never found and he becomes charged with two other murders as well.
Serial killer Kenneth Bianchi terrorizes Los Angeles between October 1977 and February 1978, but the cops don't know that his own cousin serves as his accomplice.
As the head of the Branch Davidians religious cult, David Koresh became known for leading his Army of God in a 51-day standoff against the federal government that resulted in the deaths of four ATF agents and more than 80 Davidians.
John Gotti was the invincible crime boss that ruled the streets of New York as head of the notorious Gambino family; Gotti quickly rose to prominence by leading his crew of mafia mobsters towards violent acts.
Blinded by her obsession for a man who has no interest in women with children, Susan Smith does the unthinkable -- she pushes her car into a lake, killing her two young sons.
In the span of only two years, Richard Ramirez became known as the Night Stalker for breaking into the homes of more than 13 people in Los Angeles and viciously raping, torturing and performing Satanic rituals on many of his victims.
With estimates that run as high as 130 murders, Rodney Alcala's ruthless spree of murder, rape, and sexual assault throughout the 1970s has been widely compared to that of Ted Bundy's.
In 1995, Yolanda Saldivar, the president of Selena Quintanilla's fan club, shoots her in a Corpus Christi hotel; Saldivar receives a life sentence in prison and becomes the most hated woman in the Latin American community.