Episode #3.1

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Today Pororo and Crong are going to fly a plane that Eddy made. Pororo and Crong cheer when they see the penguin shaped plane specially made for Pororo, but the others are a bit sceptical about wether it will fly or not. The penguin shaped plane flies up in the sky! Oh no... Something went wrong and the plane crashes into the forest. Will Pororo and Crong be able come home safe and sound?
0 /10
Episode #3.4

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Eddy makes a house for his assistant robot Rody. Everyone else prepares a gift for Rody. A party is thrown for Rody, and everyone congratulates him. But Rody finds out that he cannot eat cake or drink milk like the others and feels sad. He tries to drink milk but ends up spilling it on his face. Rody is broken. Eddy fixes Rody and the two spend the night together playing ball.
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Episode #3.5

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Crong wants to play with Pororo's new toy plane. But it seems like Pororo doesn't want to share his new toy. Crong wants to play with the plane at any cost, so Pororo and Crong fight over the toy and Crong runs out with it. Will Pororo and ever learn how to share the new toy with their friends?
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Episode #3.6

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and Crong fly far away to a strange place where Tongtong the magic dragon is living. Tongtong the magic dragon was feeling hungry and was trying to get food by using his magic. With many failure, Tongtong succeeds making an apple. But when he was just about to reach for the apple in the air, Crong who was flying by snatches the apple.
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Episode #3.7

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and Crong are playing "super hero". But Pororo wouldn't take turns playing super hero. Tired of always being the villain, Crong snatches Pororo's 'Hero' mark and runs off. Crong asks Rody to play. Crong is the hero and Rody is the villain with a mask. They go around all friends' house to show what a great hero Crong is but fail.
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Episode #3.8

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Little dragon Tongtong is showing magic tricks to his friends today. Turning a cactus into a clock.... Tongtong turns into a clock instead. Trying to undo the magic, Tongtong turns into a doll. Tongtong's magic is a bit clumsy. Harry asks this clumsy magician for help. He wants to become strong by magic. So Harry becomes the strongest bird in the world.
0 /10
Episode #3.9

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and friends are fishing in the sea. Petty and Poby caught a big fish but Pororo and Eddy caught none. Soon after, Eddy's pole shows a sign. Rolling up his fishing pole, Eddy is disappointed to find a small fish on the end. Pororo makes fun of the size of the fish. Eddy snaps at Pororo saying that Pororo didn't even catch a fish as little as his.
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Episode #3.14

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and Crong went to Tongtong's House and because of Pororo and Crong's snoring, Clock and Nyao ask the magic wand to stop the noisy snore and then Pororo and Crong get chased by the angry magic wand. What will happen to them?
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Episode #3.15

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and Crong are on their way to Tongtong's house on their plane. Tongtong is at home trying to turn his wall clock into a new clock. But he is having a hard time using his magic. The wall clock turns small. Pororo and Crong come through the door. While Tongtong is greeting Pororo and Crong, the wall clock disappears. The clock was always skeptical about Tongtong's magic.
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Episode #3.17

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Popo and Pipi are fixing their space ship, but it is not going well. Eddy says that he will fix the space ship so that Popo and Pipi could go back home. Eddy starts fixing the space ship. At last the space ship is floating. But while test driving the space ship, one of the booster blows up. Puzzled Eddy tries to grab control but the other booster explodes.
0 /10
Episode #3.18

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Eddy finally fixed Popo and Pipi's space ship. But when it was time to say good bye, Popo and Pipi, and the others are sad to part. Loopy gives Popo and Pipi a basket of cookies as a parting gift. With Loopy's present, Popo and Pipi return to their home Pipo planet in their space ship. Popo and Pipi are glad to see their friends again.
0 /10
Episode #3.19

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
While Pororo is taking a nap, Crong makes a wonderful castle out of building blocks. Crong wants to show his castle to Pororo and play with him. He tries to wake Pororo. But sleepy Pororo just briefly wakes up and reads a book that Crong gave him and falls back to sleep. Crong heads out of the house disappointed and finds the others playing badminton. Crong is not good at playing badminton.
0 /10
Episode #3.20

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Everyone is playing rock-scissors-paper in front of Pororo's house. Tongtong comes from the sky to see them. Poby says that he is envious of Tongtong's ability to fly. Tongtong uses his magic to make Poby fly. Kurikuri Tongtongtong! Kurikuri Tongtongtong! Change! On Tongtong magic Poby's body rises and starts floating in air. But before Poby is happy about the fact he is flying.
0 /10
Episode #3.21

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Once upon a time, there lived a little penguin wearing a red hood named Petty. Kind Petty is on her way to Uncle Poby's house with home made cookies. But three thieves, Eddy, Tongtong and Rody, who are chased by police Pororo and Crong, are trying to steal the cookies. Eddy's gang try to lure Petty into the flower garden on her way to her uncle's house but fail.
0 /10
Episode #3.25

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Everyone is flying kite on the hill. But the wind blows too strong and the kite string breaks. Loopy's pretty hat is blown off the cliff. Eddy and Rody step forward to get Loopy's hat. Rody stretches his arms and legs and makes a bridge all the way to the other side of the cliff. And Eddy is going on the bridge to bring back Loopy's hat. The wind is still blowing strong.
0 /10
Episode #3.27

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Eddy accidentally drops one of Loopy's favorite bunny doll, Toto, on the floor. Loopy gets furious. When Loopy steps out of the house for a while, Eddy plays around with Toto. Eddy has ruined Toto.Sensing the trouble he is in, Eddy asks Pororo something... What will happen to Eddy? Will Loopy find out? Or will Eddy's wits help him through this crisis?
0 /10
Episode #3.29

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and Crong go to Tongtong's house when Tongtong is out.Because of Pororo and Crong's snoring,Clock and Nyao ask the magic wand to stop the noisy snore.
0 /10
Episode #3.31

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Crong likes Loopy's doll Toto. So he asks Loopy's permission to borrow the doll for one night. Crong gets to borrow the doll and he falls asleep with it in his bed. That night, like magic, Toto comes in front of Crong and leads him out of the house to ride a sled. On the sled ride Toto's hat is blown off by the wind. Crong wakes up in the morning. Was it all just a dream?
0 /10
Episode #3.32

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and Crong played at the playground with their ball. They forgot about the ball and went home. When they returned to the playground to find their ball, it was lost. They couldn't find it anywhere. They tell their friends about the missing ball, and Eddy steps in to investigate where the ball had gone. Will Eddy and Rody's investigation find the missing ball?
0 /10
Episode #3.33

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
ddy made a robot toy frog. But this frog is a hand full. Something in its part must have gone wrong. Eddy finally gets a hold of the leaping frog and turns it off. Eddy heads to Rody's house to find a missing part. Meanwhile, Pororo and Crong come to Eddy's house and find the frog robot on the table. Pororo gets curious and turns the frog on.
0 /10
Episode #3.34

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
While Pororo is out of the house, Crong scribbles on the wall with paint. Pororo gets angry when he returns home and Crong runs out to the playground. Pororo forgives Crong with the help of their friends at the playground. But when they all go to Eddy's house, they find Eddy's wall full of scribbles. Pororo gets angry and demands an explanation from Crong. What happened?
0 /10
Episode #3.35

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and friends are out watching the stars at night. A shooting star land near them and Crong takes the star home. He puts the star in a box and goes to sleep. Next morning, Crong is disappointed to find the light of the star disappeared. Harry suggests them to go to Tongtong for the answer. Pororo and Crong get on their plane to head for Tongtong's house with the star.
0 /10
Episode #3.36

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Poby wakes up late one morning and accidentally drops a pepper shaker. With the pepper in the air, Poby's nose itches and he lets out a sneeze. Harry took Poby's sneezing the wrong way. He worries that Poby is coming down with a cold. Everyone is concerned. They come prepared with something to cure Poby's cold.
0 /10
Episode #3.37

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Pororo and friends are out in the ocean fishing. The sharks are around and they surround the boat. Pororo and friends are in trouble! Eddy suggests playing a game. The winner gets what he wants. The shark accepts Eddy's rule. Pororo and the shark plays rock, scissors, paper and Pororo wins. The shark requests a rematch. This time the sharks choose what game to play.
0 /10
Episode #3.38

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Today Pororo and Crong are making snowmen in front of their house. Pororo made his snowman looking just like Crong, and Crong made a snowman looking just like Pororo. They happily go in the house together. They start making dominoes, but when Crong accidently ruin Pororo's domino, Pororo gets angry. Poby and Harry drop by when Pororo and Crong are fighting and chasing after one another.
0 /10
Episode #3.39

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Today is Poby's birthday. Pororo and Crong are preparing Poby's presents. When Crong sees a teddy bear inside Pororo's train present, he wants to put one in his truck. Pororo heads to Poby's house alone. Crong stays home trying to put a teddy bear in his truck present. Crong shoves the bear in and breaks the truck. Everyone else is at Poby's house waiting for Crong.
0 /10
Episode #3.41

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Everyone is enjoying Loopy's sandwich. When there is only one piece left, Eddy brings out his cloning machine to make more sandwiches. He puts a sandwich in the machine and...tah tah~ Sandwich is cloned. Eddy heads to tell the news to Rody. Crong comes by at Eddy's house and accidentally goes in the cloning machine. Now there are two Crongs!
0 /10
Episode #3.42

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Kitty was playing with a ball at Petty's house when he accidentally hits Petty's vase with the ball. Feeling sorry about what he did, Kitty decides to clean Petty's house while Petty is out. Unlike his intentions, Kitty ruins Petty's painting and her book while cleaning the house. Pororo and Crong come by and help Kitty clean the rest of the house.
0 /10
Episode #3.43

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Poby is reading a tale. Long ago, Pororo, Crong and Harry lived in a small cabin. The three were singing and dancing to Pororo's accordion. Pororo stepped on a piece of wood and fell, hurting his arm. Crong and Harry head to the magician Eddy, living on top of a cliff to get a cure for Pororo. The magician tells Crong that he will need a magic cure for Pororo.
0 /10
Episode #3.45

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Everyone is out today for a sled race. The race was close, and Pororo and Crong's team came in first. Eddy and Rody's team came in second and Poby and Harry's team in third. Furious at losing the race, Eddy spent the night making a new sled. The next morning, Eddy is having a rematch. On the starting signal Pororo and Eddy's team are racing. Eddy is about to lose.
0 /10
Episode #3.47

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Tongtong is making one of his magic potions today. This time he is making one to turn Clock into a brand new clock. Instead of turning into a brand new clock, it turns into a police car. Tongtong makes a new magic potion, but Clock refuses to take it. When Pororo and friends arrive, Clock runs out and hides. Rody goes after Clock, and asks him to drink the new potion.
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