When the citizens of Petropolis no longer appreciate TUFF, Dudley and Kitty quit and find new jobs. But when the Chief is kidnapped by the city's new super villain, the Overbear, the TUFF team must reunite to save the day.
Keswick seeks the help of Dudley to woo his dream girl, Tammy. TUFF comes to the rescue when Birdbrain threatens to destroy the Owl Force Academy for rejecting his application.
Dudley lies about being poisoned so Kitty takes him to do all the fun things he's ever wanted to do. Dudley and Snaptrap are tricked into going to Hawaii by the Weasel. Once there, they team up to defeat him.
TUFF is hired by Mayor Teddy Bear to get rid of a ghost in an old haunted mansion. When the Caped Cod puts a giant robotic shark in the lake, Dudley must stop him and rescue all the fishermen.
Join Dudley Puppy, aka Tuff Puppy, and Kitty Katswell, partners in the secret crime-fighting organization T.U.F.F. - Turbo Undercover Fighting Force - as they protect their hometown of Petropolis - and the world - from evil
Join Dudley Puppy, aka Tuff Puppy, and Kitty Katswell, partners in the secret crime-fighting organization T.U.F.F. - Turbo Undercover Fighting Force - as they protect their hometown of Petropolis - and the world - from evil
Join Dudley Puppy, aka Tuff Puppy, and Kitty Katswell, partners in the secret crime-fighting organization T.U.F.F. - Turbo Undercover Fighting Force - as they protect their hometown of Petropolis - and the world - from evil
Dudley, Kitty, Birdbrain and Snaptrap become indestructible after they enter the 3rd dimension. / It's Boss Appreciation Day and Dudley is determined to make the Chief's day great by taking him to a spa.