Episode list

Zak Storm

Burn Out

Fri, Aug 31, 2018
Zak and the Seven Cs are exhausted, but agree to go on a treasure hunt for Sassafrass, and the treasure is the Stone of Time.
9.3 /10
Trial by Fire

Fri, Aug 31, 2018
Zak goes to Blazz to open its waypoint, and is forced to fight it's guardian alongside Bones.
9.2 /10
Wrath of Blix

Fri, Oct 05, 2018
Zak push the peaceful jellyfish people to listen to their anger to defend themselves against Bones. But from defence, the jellyfish people switch to attack.
9.1 /10
Calabrass' Body

Fri, Aug 31, 2018
During an adventure on Dezer, Calabrass gets a body. But Zak needs his friend to turn back into a sword to open the Waypoint.
9.1 /10
Tanah Lost

Fri, Apr 13, 2018
Cece is poisoned by a mythical creature. Only a mysterious water can save her.
9.1 /10
Viking Connexion
Crogar meets an old Viking female friend and begins searching for a third Viking; together, they form Crogar's old band. Will the 7Cs survive to the reunion of the old band?
9 /10
Zak's Choice

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Looking for the Beru Waypoint, Zak starts doubting himself. But someone offers him a way back home...
0 /10
The Lost Orb

Wed, Dec 31, 1969
Equipped with a new technology, Skullivar manages to surprise our heroes and steal Calabrass.
0 /10
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