The teenager, whose online relationship with Anthony Weiner threw Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign into a tailspin, shows her face on TV for the first time.
A woman is set on fire by her husband, permanently disfiguring her; he says it was an accident, but she says he then divorced her and never apologized.
Inside Edition (1988) joins hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico to help bring a sick baby to the mainland for the life-saving surgeries he needs to survive.
As Hollywood stars make sexual harassment accusations against Harvey Weinstein, Lisa Guerrero recalls how she experienced inappropriate behavior, when she was an actress.
Comic legend Jerry Lewis left all of his children from his first marriage out of his will; his son speaks about being disinherited from his father's $50 million fortune.
What a woman says legendary quarterback Peyton Manning did to her, in a training room 21 years ago, has been the subject of headlines for years; she has never spoken about it on television until now; her stunning claims, which Manning denies.
There was uproar over rumors of a high-school "pregnancy pact", when 18 students were expecting at the same time; nine years later, the truth comes out.
How to survive some of the most unpredictable life-or-death struggles one could ever face, from quicksand to falling down a flight of stairs to a punch in the stomach.