Episode list


Favorable Matchup
In the year 2030, the world is in chaos but at least Jim broadcasts his favorite sport and has the love of his daughter; Jim then learns baseball is worse off than he thinks and his daughter is moving to New York for college.
6.8 /10
Three Year Contract
Jim tries to enact changes in baseball but is met by resistance from the owner. Meanwhile, his relationship with his daughter is deteriorating.
6.5 /10
Low and Away

Tue, Mar 31, 2020
After a promotion featuring legendary daredevil The Great Tomás goes horribly wrong, a now-disgraced Jules retreats to Morristown. Brockmire tracks her down to try to persuade her to get back into the proverbial game.
6.5 /10
Double Header

Tue, Apr 14, 2020
Jules tries to win Beth's approval of The relationship she and Brockmire are trying to rekindle, but they don't get along until Jules takes Beth u set her wing as a drinking buddy. Jim is irate that Jules was a bad influence on his daughter.
6.8 /10
The Hall

Tue, Apr 21, 2020
Beth learns that everything Jim has told her about her mother is a lie. On the biggest day of Jim's life, Beth is supposed to memorialize him in a speech.
6.7 /10
Union Negotiations
Baseball players' union contracts are up for re-negotiation and a potential strike threatens the future of baseball altogether; Jim and Jules give it one last go and try to negotiate the terms of their potential relationship.
7.5 /10
The Long Offseason
Artificial Intelligence threatens to take steps in its pursuit to rule the world and attempts to take over baseball. Jim and Jules must decide if they want to embolden this emerging society ruled by machines or stay with the failing status quo.
7.8 /10
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