The People Potter
Greta Gawky is a 2m tall girl who is extremely clumsy to the point of putting others in extreme danger. To celebrate her not destroying an expensive Ming vase, one day, her parents buy a mysterious porcelain figure of a potter with a creepy legend.
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Thu, Apr 15, 2004
Helen always skives off washing up by sitting on the loo reading comics after meals.
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Bunny Boy

Thu, Apr 22, 2004
Bill never eats his greens, but after a terrible accident with a combine harvester and a rabbit called Tubs, he does.
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Bessy O'Messy

Thu, Apr 22, 2004
Bessy has the messiest room in the world, until she falls inside her laundry mountain and meets the O'Reilly leprechauns, who want her to stay as their housekeeper.
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The Stick Men

Thu, May 06, 2004
Chico has horrible parents and seeks love and friendship from the stick men he draws on his walls.
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The Top Hat

Thu, May 20, 2004
Benjamin abuses the power of the magic top hat, so much so that the white glove pulls him inside and refuses to release him.
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