Convinced that his wife never likes the presents he buys for her, Fred asks Lucy to secretly find a birthday present for Ethel on his behalf. Lucy agrees, and later is with Ethel when she happens to find the gift-wrapped package in a closet. Ethel is less than excited about it, complaining that Fred has a history of giving her horrible gifts. Lucy urges Ethel to sneak a peek at what's inside. Reluctantly unwrapping the gift, Ethel pulls out a pair of strange-looking pants, gives them a quizzical glance and exclaims, "Well, he's done it again." Lucy hides her dismay, speaking up for Fred, trying to explain that they are chic hostess pants, the kind you wear "when you give smart dinner parties." Ethel is unimpressed, saying, "Oh, I've been wondering what to wear to all those smart dinner parties I give." When Lucy reveals that it was she and not Fred who selected the gift, this leads to an argument and an estrangement. In Act II, Ricky and Fred scheme to get the girls together again by taking them both to the theater to see a new hit show, "Over the Teacups". Ethel and Lucy are forced to sit together as they watch the play. Their anger toward each other softens as they listen to the play, a drama in which the main character is presented with news of a friend's death.