Qué historia es esta y cuál es su final
A prominent Chilean documentary, shares his family album with the film editor of his later works. A review of one hundred photographs and a quiet conversation will rise to memories of the films of one of the most personal filmmakers.
6.8 /10

Sat, May 11, 2013
Former residents review their experiences intersecting walls, stairs and near surroundings of the iconic four towers housing complex "Fifth Claude" in the city of Viña De Mar, sharing milestones as the 1985 earthquake, episodes of the military dictatorship, exodus and the loss of community life. People leave, the remaining places.
0 /10
Hombres Verdes

Sat, May 18, 2013
Eliana Vega and Carolina Morales share a common pain: their husbands died slowly because of a cancer caused by exposure to heavy metals at the copper refinery ENAMI Ventanas.
0 /10
Posible Imposible
Experimental sounds from all over the world the city involved fusing art with music. IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE meets five works of sound art in a documentary that shows how the phenomenon of sound seems to be an impossible becomes possible against its materiality. Starring: Fernando Godoy, Rodrigo Rios.
0 /10
El Sátiro de las Cabras
Victor Hugo is a man who decided to leave the city to live in a small town called "Goats" near San Felipe. Without great expense and away the overwhelming pace of big cities, writes satires and poems about their existence, where characters coexist with tench, cats and plants. Ghosts of Mississippi again upending unexpected visit to their reality and their creations.
0 /10
Cambio de domicilio
After 60 years of occupying a landmark building in Valparaiso, the owners choose to leave SOCIMA importing, leaving desolate warehouses and offices. Photographer Luis Costa decides to track portraying employees working at the site, some for over 30 years, rebuilding a visual testimony of a glorious commercial past.
0 /10

Sat, Jun 15, 2013
The dispute over strategic locations for communication within the public space has sunk in Valparaiso overexposure of images, framed in the front of a damaged city. Artists, city planners and residents discussed the city, questioning its heritage status, the visual pollution and strife between painting street and public order. All this under the epidermis of a progress that hides a permanent structural wear.
0 /10
El Brazo de Sandow
Eugene Sandow was the first to make public displays of their muscles to the late nineteenth century. He is considered the father of bodybuilding. Today, like Sandow, Marcelo Muñoz 40, intensely practiced this discipline that has generated rejection, misunderstanding and controversy. Behind these sculptured bodies and people's history, hidden and intensely personal.
0 /10

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